Chapter 23

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As for my love life, it's known that I don't have luck in it

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As for my love life, it's known that I don't have luck in it. I've met so many people, so many boys who reduced my expectations to zero. It's not always about their looks, it's more their personality that makes them so unattractive for me. Their non-existing manners, their disgusting opinions on women, their bodies or life itself. That's why I think a miserable boy isn't worth my time.

It's a fact that I love older men, I've said it like a hundred times. A man who appreciates me inside and out. A man who has class, manners, education, is smart and successful. He don't have to be the most perfect and handsome, what's inside is better.

But when in front of me is standing Dion Garcia...I look on things very differently. A man with every single quality I said before. Plus, a bonus, probably the most handsome man with the best-looking body and a magical dick.

Dion is a blessing in the whole male population.

I was laying on his chest while he caressed my hair as we watched Gossip Girl. I made him watch it by the way, it's my favorite.

He didn't pressure me into pleasing him since I edged him before. Even if I wanted to make him finish he said that it's fine and that he can manage so I didn't want to also pressure him into something.

Us laying in bed and watching TV was enough. It was sweet and comforting. So comforting. The level of comfort I've never felt with anyone.

And that scared the shit out of me.

My mom always said that being comfortable with someone is the most important thing in a relationship. When you feel comfortable to do and share thing with someone, that's when you know that it's official.

You are in love.

But- how can I fall in love with someone in such a short time? Do I even know what love feels like? And if it's the real type of- love?

Plus...our situation is complicated. It will be a shame if someone catches us. Especially since they are royals. I'm sleeping with my fiance's uncle, hello? Imagine if this invades the news. Disaster!

It's not that I'm just sleeping with him but I- I may be also catching feeling for him.


Fuck, fuck, fuck!

I can't allow that! No, it's too freaking risky. Plus...I don't know if I want love, like right now. I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship, especially a secret one. I don't know if I'm ready to be with someone after so many disappointments.

Ha! I'm talking like this whole situation is about me.

What about Dion? What about his feelings? What if- what if he doesn't feel the same as me? What if-

Gosh, I'm overreacting again.

Now my head is full of stuff which I'll be over thinking about for the next few days--even weeks maybe.

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