Chapter 26

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Just like Fred said, if you want a girl-- chase her

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Just like Fred said, if you want a girl-- chase her. And I wanted to do just like he said. But what happens when the girl doesn't want to be chased or do anything with you? You leave her alone.

I totally get her feelings. I'm also kinda stressed just like she is. I mean, we're all over the Gossip Sites. I hate paparazzi, I hate when there are pictures of me everywhere. I want my life to be as private as I can keep it. That's why there are rarely any photos of me and now that they had a great chance to take a picture, they did took it and used it.

Fucking noisy people.

Now all my chances are ruined.


I wanted to clear my mind and went to the gym. It was thankfully empty and comfortable. I hate sweaty and smelly gyms, they make me want to throw up. I worked on my biceps and triceps mostly today and lifted weights. Of course, that was until my dad called me.

He never calls me. Except if it's something important. What if- I hope nothing bad has happened.


"Bonjour, Dion." His weak voice barely said. (Hello)

"Comment vas-tu, papa? Comment se passe le traitement?" (How have you been, dad? How is the treatment going?)

"Oh tu sais que je ne suis pas bon, fils. mon temps se rapproche de plus en plus." (Oh you know I'm not good, son. My time is getting closer and closer)

As much as we're not close with my father, I can't lie and say that the thought of him dying didn't make me feel sad. I mean, he's my father after all. Regards the time he didn't act like one.

"Allez, ne sois pas si pessimiste." (Come on don't be so pessimistic). I tried to reassure him.

He started coughing very badly, almost like he was choking. "Non, non, Dion. Je ne vais pas bien, je te le dis." (No, no Dion. I'm not good I'm telling you). I heard someone coming in his room but I couldn't understand their fainted voices. He paused for a second, I guess he was taking his medicine, and after a minute he came back to the phone. "Pardon."


"Je veux te demander quelque chose." (I want to ask you something).

"Qu'est-ce que c'est?" (What is it?). I asked. I knew that it will be something with my brother and the heritage. I just know it.

"Pourquoi as-tu signé ce document, Dion? Celui qui dit que tous les hôtels, casinos, industries... iront à ton frère après ma mort?" (Why did you sign that document, Dion? The one that says that all the hotels, casinos, industries...will go to your brother after I die?)

"Papa, tu sais que je ne veux aucune de ces entreprises. J'ai le mien, ça suffit. tu sais comment est Pierre, il ferait n'importe quoi pour de l'argent." (Dad- you know that I don't want any of those businesses. I have mine, it's enough. You know how Pierre is, he would do anything for money).

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