Chapter 40

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Isn't this disney pixar thing so cute? I love it🥺🤍

The project I have been planning for a month is finally here. Our new wine is exclusively here in our Winery and soon will be available for sale everywhere.

It was seven thirty and guests began to arrive. I invited mostly my friends and a few relatives, including Sam of course. I also invited Adeline and her whole family because I wanted to leave a good impression in front of them now that I have serious intentions about her.

I greeted some of the guests that arrived then left them to enjoy the samples of our wine which were in the glasses on their tables.

I did a double take when the Campbell's made their entrance. All of them looked very glamorous.

Adeline was dressed in a red, strapless dress with a high slit. I guess my new obsession is her in red.

Her mother wore a golden V-neck dress as her father was dressed in an elegant black suit. I see where her genes come from.

"Good evening." I was fast to greet them.

Adeline smiled sweetly and I couldn't wait but want to kiss those lips.

"Good evening, Dion. Thank you for your invitation." Her father politely thanked me as me and her mother shook hands.

"It's my pleasure to have you here. Your table is right here," I pointed to their table decorated with flowers. "I hope you enjoy."

"Thank you." Her parents said and hand in hand made their way to the table, leaving me and Adeline alone.

I took a step forward and leaned my head to whisper in her ear. "You look gorgeous." I said and saw goosebumps appearing on her arm.

"Thanks, you look very handsome too." She smiled showing me her white pearly teeth.

"Let's go, the surprise will be revealed soon." I said and took her hand in mine.

I could see her getting all awkward as she looked around the room then back at our intertwined hands. Adeline still couldn't get used to any personal contact with me in public while I didn't care.

"I can let go if you don't want to hold my han-" but the tightening of her grip on my hand made me think otherwise. With a proud smirk on my face we walked towards their table as I pulled her chair to sit and then made my way towards the scene.

It was decorated with balloons and a tall stand where our new wine--Moscato d'Asti was placed with a white fabric covering it.

I stood in front of the microphone. "Good evening ladies and gentleman, I'm glad that you are here tonight. I have a special surprise for tonight. It's something that we've been working on for the past month and are very exited to reveal." My gaze landed on Adeline as I gave her a small smirk. "Our new wine," I said and extended my hand to take off the fabric that was covering it. "I present you the new Moscato d'Asti--Mon Ange."

In the background Adeline's pictures from the photoshoot appeared as everyone started gawking and then a loud applause echoed around the room.

Adeline's eyes gleamed and her lips were slightly parted. She looked amazed, especially when I announced that the wine will also have a special name which was her nickname that I've given her.

She is special. The most special girl and I would do anything for her.

After everyone congratulated me, it was her turn. Adeline looked happy but also confused. I took her hand in mine and started walking to the bar where I had another surprise for her.

It was the bar where we first met at her and Sam's engagement party. She laughed and threw her arms around me. I wrapped mine around her waist and buried my head in her neck.

"You're so amazing." She whispered.

"No, you're the amazing one," I said and cupped her cheeks in my hand. "You're the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I thank the universe every day for making me come in this bar that night because if I didn't, I probably wouldn't have met the girl of my life."

She closed her teary eyes. "You- you mean the world to me, Dion. And I-"

"I love you, Adeline." I couldn't wait and cut her off. It was the truth, I fucking loved her.

She let out a small gasp. "I love you too," Adeline jumped again in my arms. "So, so, so much!" She confessed and I chuckled at her cuteness. "You make me feel so loved and protected, Dion. I'm so glad that I met you." She breathed out as I tightened my hold around her.

"Me too, mon ange."

It was the truth. She meant the world to me. I love her, morning, evening, night. I'll love her forever.

And I know that she feels the same. We give each other all we need and are enough for each other.

We went through ups and downs but still found a way towards each other. Is this some soul mates type of shit? I don't believe in those stuff but I believe in my love for Adeline and her love towards me.

We are fucking end game.


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