Chapter 6

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We make it into the elevator and as the doors shut, we crash into one another

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We make it into the elevator and as the doors shut, we crash into one another. Dion's lips bruise mine, sucking and biting, his tongue dips into my mouth with wild strokes that coax a moan from deep within me. The rough skin on his hands catches and snags in my hair as he forces his fingers through my loose strands.

At this moment, I don't care about my engagement party. I don't care about anything but Dion. I could only hope that Sam found a hot hook-up date, just like me.

"Adeline." He rasps. "This is our floor."

I nod at his statement as we make our way to his room. Once we got in, he turned the lights on revealing a luxury suite.

Dion turned around and slammed me on the door. He didn't waste a second and smashed his lips against mine while pulling my hands over my head. I was so high on his taste. I can't get enough of him.

Kissing me and teasing me by pressing his hard dick on my clothed spot was enough to make me go crazy. He removed his hands from the tight hold they had on mine which gave me a chance to take off my dress. I pulled down the straps while still kissing him. When he saw what I was doing, he pulled away from the kiss and harshly grabbed my elbow, slamming me on the door but now with my front. He pulled the zipper of my dress down and roamed his rough hand on my back. I breathed out and rubbed my ass on his hard-on, trying to gain some friction. Dion grabbed a hold of my ass while planting kisses down my back.

"You're so eager, aren't you?" He chuckled amusingly.

"I am. I can't wait for you to fuck me."

I felt him pulling his hand away from my ass and in a second, my dress was teared up and found it's place on the floor.

I turned around I circled my arms around his neck as he grabbed my thighs and put them around his waist. He walked over to his room, dropping me on the mattress with a soft thud before he rolled himself over my frame. My palm rested against his chest, lips softly joining his as he seemed to melt in the softness, his body gently weighing upon mine.

Suddenly, Dion's fingers made their way from my stomach to my clit. He played with the straps of my thong. "Are you wet for me, Adeline?" He asked while sucking on my neck.

"Ye- yes." I moaned out.

After teasing me with touching my inner thigh, Dion pulled down my thong, leaving me bare to him. Touching my clit, he hissed, feeling my wetness travel to his fingers. "You're fucking dripping for me." Nudging his fingertips along my lips, moving them up and down as I closed my eyes, biting my lips as I threw my head back in pleasure "Moan for me, please?" He asked as I rapidly nodded my head.

A gasp left my lips as I felt him digging his fingers in my wet hole, thrusting them at a moderate pace. Deep breaths as I clutched onto the sheets tightly, arching my back as I felt his fingers move at a faster pace.

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