BONUS CHAPTER: It's the most wonderful time of the year...🎅

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Christmas at the Campbell's has been an extravagant bash every year for the past twenty years. The tradition began with Elias and Paris Campbell but this year, Adeline and Dion decided to take matter in their own hands.

It's going to be held in their mansion near Paris. They already decorated and got everything. The big Christmas tree, the lights around the house and garden, the customized plates and napkins. It looked so beautiful, thanks to Adeline's creativity.

"Mommy! We put the presents for grandma and grandpa under the tree."

"Oh good job, girls."

Seraphine and Celestine Garcia, sounds royal, doesn't it? Well, they do have their father's royal blood in them so it makes sense.

At just four years old, they rule the house. They are both stubborn and hot heated like their mom but thoughtful like their dad. Seraphine had her mom's long brown hair and her dad's chocolate brown eyes. While Celestine had dark black hair like her dad and hazel eyes like her mom. They were both the perfect mix of their parents.

Seraphine loves ballet. She is the best ballerina in her class. Her purple tutu and silver ballet shoes were her favorite thing in the world. Also the bun her mom does and the colorful barrettes that she puts in her hair.

Celestine loves horse riding. She is also amazing and just won first place at a race last week with her favorite horse--Doodle. He was a white Arabian horse who looked absolutely beautiful with it's tall and graceful figure.

"Mes amours? (My loves)

"Yes papa?" They both said in sync.

"Where are your Christmas pajamas?" Dion asked all confused when he got down the stairs. His shoulders rose and his forehead creased. He was all dressed up in his red pajamas with Santa Claus. Turns out, the girls didn't follow the dress code this morning.

The three of them burst out laughing at his state. Adeline couldn't lie, he looked adorable with his Rudolf slippers.

"Don't tell me I'm the only one who got all dressed up," he was unbelievably surprised. "Go and put on your pajamas, now." Dion tried to sound more sternly. The girls ran upstairs while giggling when Dion tried to catch and tickle them.

"You're so cute." Adeline said and kissed Dion's cheek.

He looked at her threw narrowed eyes and crossed his arms on his chest. "You guys aren't fair."

Adeline threw her head back while laughing. "I'm sorry, babe. I'll go and get ready, okay?"

Dion sighed and nodded. "Okay, okay."

She laughed again and gave him one last kiss then also ran upstairs to put on those matching pajamas they bought.

After half an hour, when they all got finally ready, the ball rang revealing no other then their grandparents--Paris and Elias. Their hands holding big boxes and few bags.

"Grandma and grandpa!" The girls ran to hug them. Seraphine ran to her grandma while Celestine ran to her grandpa. They loved them both equally but sometimes had their preferences. It was the way their characters matched more.

"Butterflies! Merry Christmas!" Paris took them both in her embrace and kissed their foreheads.

"Merry Christmas, lovebugs." Elias said and handed them their presents.

"Merry Christmas to you too grandma and grandpa."

They both walked to the Christmas tree and put the presents underneath while Adeline and Dion greeted the guests.

"Mommy when can we open the presents?" Seraphine asked, too curious.

"We just have to wait for Samuel and Finn, then you can open the presents."

And just on time, the bell rang again. It was them, of course, the freshly married couple.

"Merry Christmas!" Samuel's cheerful voice echoed through the whole house.

"Sam!" The girls ran excitingly to jump in his arms like they always did. It was absolutely cute how much they loved Sam. They acted like no one else was around when they were with Sam. But it was explainable why they love him that much, he spoils them the most and they always have the best time ever. A few weeks ago he took them in Disneyland with Finn and till yesterday, Seraphine and Celine didn't stop talking about how it was the best time ever.

"My princesses! Aren't you like- the prettiest girls on the planet?"

"We are!"

"Yes, that's the spirit!" Sam clapped his hands. "Here are your presents. I didn't bought your parents nothing since my presence is enough." He winked at Adeline and Dion as they both chuckled.

"Can we finally open the presents, please?" Celine pleaded.

Adeline sighed. "Yes, come on." And she finally agreed.

They all went to sit under the Christmas tree which was full with different kind of boxes and presents. "Who will go first?" Dion asked.

"We!" The girls raised their hands.

"Of course."

They giggled happily and unpatiently waited.

"These are from mommy and daddy." Adeline said handing them two bags. One for Seraphine and one for Celine.

They took and immediately opened it. A few gasps and chuckles were heard when Seraphine opened her bag and found a new pink tutu with gem stones, a pink bodysuit with matching pink ballet shoes who has a white bow on them. Celestine trailed off a tiny "wow" when she saw the new red tall boots and the matching red helmet her parents bought for her horse riding.

"Thank you mommy and daddy!" Hugging them both they couldn't wait but almost immediately went to their rooms to put on their new clothes.

The others continued with the gifts. Jewelery, pompom slippers and some good skincare products dominated in Adeline and Paris's gifts. The men knew what their women wanted.

As for them, Elias, Dion, Samuel and Finn got different kids of clothes and accessories. Finn was the happiest with his new boxers which had Sam's face plastered all over them.

After that, they had a big dinner full of laughs and funny conversation. All of them had something new to say about themselves, especially the girls who loved to talk about their achievements. One person was missing and that was Axel--Adeline's brother who was in Italy for the holidays. He and his girlfriend happily spent a few days there but didn't forget to face time the family and wish them a Merry Christmas.

However, the biggest news was that...The Garcia's were expecting another baby. Or babies--it was too soon to tell.


Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates!

I have to wait till 7th of January but it's fine...i got that Christmas spirit already🥰

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