Chapter 11

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I followed Dion and his assistant while walking around the building. We passed a lot of offices, then got into the elevator and went to the first floor. Dion was walking too fast so I had to walk faster to catch up on him. Since my heels were high, when I reached next to him I stumbled a little but thankfully held onto his arm so I won't fall. Dion frowned and gave me the side-eye.

"Sorry." I muttered and let go of him.

When we arrived in front of a big wooden door, Dion's assistant opened it and we walked down the few stairs which lead to a big room full of wines. I was in awe looking at the many shelves full of different kind of "Dionysus" wines.

"Bonsoir Mr. Andre, c'est si bon de vous voir." Dion's voice broke me out of my thoughts. (Good evening Mr. Andre, it's so good to see you)

"Ah Dion! C'est si bon de vous voir aussi. Comment as-tu été?" (Oh Dion! It's so good to see you too, how have you been?)

"J'ai été bon. Je suis content que nous travaillions à nouveau ensemble." (I have been good. I'm glad we're working together again)

They continued greeting each other as me and his assistant stood there. When Mr. Andre finally noticed me, his eyes literally lit up. I was too uninterested to work my charm.

Mr. Andre was around his forties, maybe. He had light brown, short hair and blue eyes. Dressed in a red suit and a black shirt he wasn't too bad but not really my type.

"Je m'excuse pour ma grossièreté, comment pourrais-je ne pas saluer cette beauté," Mr. Andre said and made his way towards me. "I'm Andre Duval." He said in his thick french accent and kissed my hand. (I apologize for my rudeness, how could I not greet this beauty)

I gave him a small smile. "I'm Adeline Campbell, it's nice to meet you."

Andre immediately locked eyes with me and let go of my hand. He cleared his throat and chuckled. " Elias Campbell's daughter?"


Mr. Andre took a step back as Dion's gaze burned into my face, I can feel his intense stare.

Is he jealous?

Mr. Andre said something to Dion as they turned around and walked towards a big table which was full of wine glasses and bottles. I didn't know what to do so I followed them again. Mr. Andre's phone started ringing which left me alone with Dion and his assistant. I felt Dion leaning down to whisper something in my ear.

"Fake or not, you still have a fiance. Try and don't seduce my partners." His low voice murmured in my ear.

I smirked. "I don't promise anything."

He clenched his jaw slightly and opened his mouth to say something but in that same moment, Mr. Andre walked in.

"Sorry for waiting. I'm here now, shall we do some wine tasting?"

"Of course," Dion said and opened one of his bottles. "C'est notre vin rouge le plus célèbre." (This us our most famous red wine). Dion said while opening the bottle and pouring some wine in three glasses. He handed Mr. Andre a glass then me.


I first smelled the fresh aroma of the wine and then took a sip, devouring it's sweet taste.

"Il est délicieux." (It's delicious). I said, surprising them with my knowledge in french.

"It's beautiful, just like Adeline." Mr. Andre said, obviously flirting.

I never felt more uncomfortable.

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