Chapter 13

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Me: Sorry Kevin, I'm not able to attend our date.

Kevin: you are such a bitch

Why are boys so dramatic?

I deleted Kevin's message from yesterday on Instagram and continued packing my suitcase for the trip to France which is actually tomorrow night.

Sam was sitting on my bed, watching Gossip Girl while I was packing some stuff that I needed, asking him for advice what should I wear. Sam being Sam, always choose the more revealing and glamorous dress to which I agreed with a giggle.

I just hope that my mom won't see what I packed for this trip. Or anyone else.

"Sam, I'll kinda miss you if I'm being honest."

"I know, I'll miss you too but- you know that I have to get my shit together. Plus my dad needs some help with his business and I must stay here." He said and rolled his eyes.

"Everything will be fine, okay? You should use this days to relax yourself a little maybe."

"Yeah, I'll try," He shrugged. "Ah, now you'll leave too and I-" Sam face palmed which made frown and caress his back.

"Hey, no, it's just a few days." I said as he removed his hands and his eyes were shining under the light, filled with a few tears. "Oh my- baby." I immediately hugged him.

"It's just- I- I feel so alone sometimes. I literally have no one who supports me, Ada, just you." He said which made me tighten our hug.

"I'm here, I'm here. I'll always support you, Sam."

Welcoming him in my embrace, I couldn't help but let out a sigh. Just a few more months and everything will fall into right places. Sam will tell the truth and I'll be by his side, I'll have his back.

I got us some snacks to cheer him up. While eating our ice cream and watching TV, my mind wandered to his uncle again. These days my mind was so occupied with the trip that I didn't have time to ask some questions about him.

Was this the perfect time to do that?

Hell no.

Am I going to do it either way?

Hell yes.

I cleared my throat. "So, how is your family doing? Is your sister still here? Or your uncle?"


Sam shook his head. "Nope, my sister is on vacation and my uncle is back in France."

Oh...what? He went back?

I tried to hide my surprise even if it made me feel...weird. Did he go because of me? Because of what I did in his winery?

Fuck...I'm so stupid. How could I- I probably made him so uncomfortable so he went back in France.

Avoiding Dion is impossible. Not wanting to be close to him is impossible for me. And I don't even know why. I'm so ashamed at myself sometimes, but when I think about how good he made me feel, how good I felt when I didn't know that he is Sam's uncle.

Why am I so attracted to him? Why? We never even had a normal conversation. We never talked about us, our interests. All we did was sleep with each other and now I'm getting all obsessed.

Is it because he looks like the man of my dreams?

Dark hair, dark eyes, tall, well built, amazing in bed, older man.

So whorish of me to think about Dion while I'm sitting next to his nephew.


Growing up my dream destination was always Paris. I don't know if it was because I liked the aesthetic and how popular it was or I liked it just because my mom's name is exactly that.

I have been romanticising it since forever. I mean, it is the most romantic place in the world, the most sophisticated and glamorous atmospher. The lights at night, the monuments and museums, the people, the food!

I love it.

I remember when I was little, I used to dream that my honeymoon with my husband will be here. I had a promise that I would never visit Paris till then which I accidentally broke. I don't really regret it since I get to see this beautiful city more often.

We arrived this morning and believe me when I say I'm so tired. Ms. Nicole insisted we all go for a coffee as we agreed. We were in this beautiful Cafe in the center of Paris. It has an amazing vibe, bubbly and busy. My Creme Brulee was so creamy and sweet. The taste of vanilla and caramelized sugar reminded me again why I love this city so much.

I was taking pictures to send my parents while we walked around the city. "Oh look!" Imani tapped my shoulder. "It's a stray cat." She said and immediately ran to take the small orange cat in her hands. I chuckled and started taking pictures of her and the kitty.

Happy. I'm so happy with myself right now.

Taking some more pictures, I opened one to check if it turned out good. I stopped when I saw a figure, a very familiar one.

No...this can't be-

I lifted my head and saw him.

And my breathing stopped for a second.

He...he is here.

I watched as he walked around Paris, so gracefully and strut. Like he owned the city. His hair moved in the wind as he walked with another man by his side. He was dressed in a formal white shirt, his hands in the pockets of his navy blue trousers.

Is he real?

Is he really here? In front of me.

I was convinced that he is here when our gazes locked with each other. I'm looking at the man with who I had a one night stand with, who turned out to be my fake fiance's uncle, who left LA and came here leaving me wondering if I did something wrong.

Dion stopped in his tracks, I'm sure he wasn't believing his eyes. We stared at each other for a good few minutes till Imani broke our staring contest.

"Earth to Adeline, come on let's go." She pulled my hand. I couldn't struggle against her action of her dragging me faster so we can reach our classmates. I was still in pure surprise.

I felt someone's steps behind me and it was like I already knew that it's him. A tap on my shoulder made me reluctantly turn around.

He stood there, so close to me. Right behind me.

"You dropped this." He said making me avert my gaze to his hands which held my pink wallet.

I didn't know what else to say since I was so surprised so I just nodded. Taking it away from his hands, our fingers didn't miss the chance to slightly touch with each other. We stood there again for a few seconds, I can only imagine how embarrassing we look from another perspective. When I heard Imani's voice calling me again, I didn't waste a second and turned around walking away from him.

Paris is a big city but it still found a way to make our paths cross again.

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