Chapter 28

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Here we are, sitting in the dark. The TV in the backround is the only source of light. The faint silhouette of Sam's face was enough for me to see the few tears sliding how his face.

I waited...half an hour, almost an hour till he finally started talking.

"He sold me. He sold me to some very powerful people."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I felt like I wasn't ready to hear Sam's story. I feel like even if I wanted to help him, I wasn't mentally ready to go through his story. I know that it will hurt, it'll hurt me so much.

"I couldn't say anything, I didn't have the power so-" Sam stopped for a second to gain courage. "So every night, I go in their hotel room and th- and they-"

And I broke down. It started first with a few tears then it became a whole crying session. Sam also started crying and that made me even more sorrowful.

"They raped me, Adeline."

That sentence replayed in my head for like 10 times. I couldn't think, I couldn't move I just focused on progressing what Sam just said to me.

Sam was raped.

While I was enjoying my time with his uncle.

I failed Sam.

I failed my best friend.

He went through hell while I selfishly spent my best time with Dion.

"And they continued doing that for weeks. It- they- I haven't been with them for a week now, they're not in LA."

Was that supposed to reassure both of us? Because it definitely didn't bring any reassurement. The damage is already done.

Sam continued talking while I blankly stared at the wall. Maybe when he started talking, I felt like I already knew where this would lead. But when he admitted, my whole world crashed down.

"And those scars, I- they also beat me with their belts because they enjoyed it. They enjoyed those sadistic actions."

It was scary how calmly he said all those things. Without any expression or feeling in him.

It was like he almost didn't- exist. Like he is a robot, programmed to say those things.

And I couldn't say anything. And I couldn't comfort him because I didn't know how. I was in pure shock.


It stared as disgust in my stomach and went straight into my heart, piercing through it. Regret? Or it was something else? Regret because I was living my life while Sam wasn't? Regret because I couldn't help him? Because I had no idea. Because I can't help him on my own?

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