11. comfort

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The Soldier and her had kept training for months, learning how to work together, going on more missions together, figuring out each other's strengths and weaknesses. They worked well together. It turned out Karpov was right, after all. Them being both forged in Hydra brought them close together and they found out they had very similar styles and a lot more in common than they thought.

They were good partners. Someone would say the bests Hydra ever had. But they had stopped trying to be more than that. They had both figured it wouldn't work if they'd try being friends or even civil towards each other. They avoided any subjects that would make them argue. But they were done trying.

He trained her well. He taught her things only he knew because he had figured them on his own on the field. She had to admit, he was the best trainer she could have ever had.

She looked at her weight on the little screen on her balance and sighed. Shit, she had gained 5 pounds in the last mouth and the double in the last three months. Which was way too much. Hydra had always wanted her to be at the top of her health, that also meant maintaining a good weight. Even a little less than it should be.

If Karpov or even the Soldier were to find out about her weight gain, she was in some deep shit. She honestly didn't know if the Soldier would say anything to Karpov. After all, he was programmed to do that kind of thing.

She grabbed her note book and wrote her weight in it. She sighed as she ran my hand across her face. She stuck my index between her teeth, her thoughts repeating in her head. She didn't get it. She ate as she did before, she even trained harder and more than before.

She felt a tear rolling down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away, pretending it was never there. The whole situation was frustrating her, she was not used to changes like that. Last time her body used to change that fast had been during puberty. She knew that she was still seventeen but her weight shouldn't be changing if she hadn't changed her diet or her training.

She looked up to stare at herself in the mirror. Something had changed in her. She looked more tired, drained. Her eyes were contoured by black holes and her skin was more pale than ever, you could see the shadows of her veins through it. She turned around to analyze her body from the profile. Yep, her weight gain was definitely showing.

She sniffled as she tried to hold back her tears but she saw her eyes getting red by the second. She pinched her nose for a second.

"Rose, you in there ?" she heard a soft knock on her bathroom door.

"Yep. I'm coming" she said as she quickly dressed herself, putting on a training bra and sweatpants.

She opened the door and faced the Soldier. During the last five months, he had taken the habit of going directly in her room to get me if he ever needed her instead of waiting for her. And she had just stopped arguing because of it, she knew she wouldn't stop doing that.

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