62. leaving

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When they got back to Earth, Hailey immediately walked to her room. She already knew what she was going to do.

She started to pack her things, quickly. Hoping not to cross anyone. She'd leave a message but she was hoping not to have to explain herself face to face with anyone.

"Hailey? You're leaving?"

She turned around and faced Pepper. Hailey gave her an awkward smile as the two women faced each other.

"Yeah, I... I can't stay here anymore. Tony hates me" she sniffled, her voice breaking.

"No, he doesn't. He's just..."

"Angry, I get it. But Pep, I can't look at him in the eye and listen to him as he insults my dead boyfriend. I cant do it and I can't stay here. I need to get out, I need to... not be around Avengers stuff. And that includes avengers people too"

"Okay" Pepper nodded and Hailey was surprised by her lack of response, "Where are you gonna go, then?"

"I'm gonna go back to Wakanda" she shrugged, "Gonna help them a little bit. I owe them after everything they did for Bucky and I. And after that, I don't know... I'll see"

"Alright. Well... take care, then" Pepper said as she walked to Hailey to pull her into a hug.

Hailey wrapped her arms around Pepper's waist and closed her eyes.

"I wanna give Tony time. Tell him I'll be ready to talk when he is and tell him to call me when he is ready"

"I'll tell him" Pepper nodded.

"Thank you" Hailey whispered as she pulled away, "and good luck for the pregnancy. You told him yet?"

"I want to wait until things get steady"

"Good choice" Hailey chuckled, "Don't worry, you and Tony are gonna be the best parents ever. This little guy— or girl, is so lucky"

"Thanks. I'll keep you updated"

"Don't call me. It's no use, I won't answer. I'll stay MIA until I sort my own things out. But don't worry, I'll probably call at the nine months mark"

"Okay" Pepper chuckled, "I... I'll just let you get your things packed. I'll order you a car"

"Actually, I'll drive on my own. I really need to be alone"

"Okay. As you want. I'll see you, Hailey"

"Yeah, you too" Hailey nodded and Pepper left the room.

Hailey felt bad for leaving but she knew she couldn't stay here. She needed to do things for herself, to take some time to herself. She sat down on her bed and started quietly crying.

Everything would be simpler if Bucky was there. He would hold her, whispering to her everything would be okay. That she could do this, that she was strong enough to do this.

She needed him to reassure her. She had no idea she was doing, she didn't know wether it was a good or a bad decision. She felt completely lost: for the first time in her life, she was in a situation where she knew she wasn't going to be with James in the end.

He was gone and she had no idea how to deal with this but she had to get through it. For her own sake.

She finished packing as fast as she could while she knew Steve and the others would be up in their rooms, crying or simply taking a shower.

She walked down to the garage and packed all of her stuff in one of her cars, a black 4x4, and she drove away. Watching the compound get smaller and smaller. And she finally reached the gates. When she crossed them, she took a deep breath, tears falling down on her cheeks.

She took her phone and dialed Steve's number. Thankfully, he didn't answer.

"Hey, this is Steve. You know what to do"

And the beep rang.

"Hey, Stevie. This is Hailey. As you might've noticed, I left. I'm sorry I didn't tell you in person but I just couldn't do it. I couldn't stay there, Stevie. I need some time alone to think about it all and... I miss him, Steve. I really fucking do, I miss him like hell. And I'll miss you too, you and Natasha and Pepper and Tony. I just... need some time alone. Don't call me, I won't answer. I'm gonna stay MIA for a few months until I get settled down again in my life. I'm sorry for doing this to you and Natasha. You promised me you'd stay there and you'd help me through it and I'm sorry I can't do the same thing for you but Steve, I just can't. I'll call you. Bye, Stevie. And Tasha, I assume he'll make you listen"

Then, she hung up and threw her phone on the passenger seat. She looked to her side, picturing Bucky sitting there, as he would've been if he was still alive.

She reached out under her shirt and pulled out Bucky's tags. Bucky was gone and she was going to get rid of their baby but at least she still had one tiny bit left of him. One that she would carry for the rest of her life.

a/n: sorry for the very short chapter, I just needed this little filler so I could go on. I'll publish another one very soon since this one was so short!

btw, I feel the need to say this but don't fear, this story is a happy ending. i mean, I've put Hailey and Bucky through so much, not giving them the happy ending they deserve would make me a devil😭

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