23. first Christmas

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a/n: this is a soft chapter, nothing but cuteness, before shit starts to get serious next chapter but here enjoy this Christmas chapter with Legolas and Natasha. please don't forget to comment and vote!

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december 2006.

"Holy shit, you're good" Clint huffed as Rose slammed his body on the mattress.

"Hey, I trained her" Natasha said from the side, "she better be good"

Rose smirked as she let go of Clint and helped him get up. She then gently tapped him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, it was probably beginner's luck" she chuckled, making Clint roll his eyes.

"Great. Before, I already had one that was a complete pain in my ass but now I've got two?" Clint said, pointing at the two girls, "Oh boy, how the hell am I supposed to get through life now?"

Rose chuckled, a real laugh this time, and looked to Natasha. They fist bumped and Natasha winked at her.

"You'd be lost without us" Rose grinned.

"And you know we'd be running to save your ass any time" Natasha said, patting Clint's shoulder.

"Now I don't know if I'm lucky to have you or if I have to pray God to get me out of here" he mumbled and the two girls chuckled.

"You know you're lucky. By the way, you know that every male agent of SHIELD is jealous of you?" Natasha raised her eyebrows.

"Me? Why?" Clint frowned his eyebrows.

"Cause you've got the prettiest female agents by your side, wasn't that obvious?" Rose laughed.

"Well, they can stuck it up their ass because one of them dares to step a little bit closer to you and they better watch out for arrows coming their way"

Rose laughed, looking down at her hands. She really did appreciate Natasha and Clint's friendship, she never had something so pure and free. This wasn't forced or anything, it was real. Well, they might not even know her real name and yes, she technically never should've become friends with them in the first place but she really did love them. It gave her a whole new sense to life in the real world.

"Come on, girls, we're late!" Clint suddenly exclaimed as he clapped his hands together, "You've still got to shower because god you smell, and you've got to pack your stuff and then we have to drive all the way down there. Come on!"

"Relax" Rose rolled her eyes.

"I'm not even kidding, Rox. I'm late and my wife kills me the second she sees me"

"Fine. My God..." Natasha sighed, walking to Rose and taking her by the arm to lead her out of the room.

"Is he always like this when he's visiting home?" Rose frowned her eyebrows.

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