45. i doll you*

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a/n: okay so someone made a playlist for the story so here's the link : https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0QPLzMWVZsTUGMobpFsdpr?si=1ChFq-j5QMS82y5tGujQKw and thank you to @avengersfan200 for making it !

enjoy this chapter and please don't forget to vote and comment!

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Hailey woke up with the feeling of cold and rigid fingers run through her hair, very slightly massaging her head. She smiled, remembering the night before.

Butterflies returned in her stomach as she remembered how his lips moved against hers, how good he had been with her.

"Good morning" he whispered against her hair and her smile widened, even though he couldn't see it since her head rested against his chest.

"Hello" she croaked out.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked and her heart melted at his softness.

"Better than ever. You?"

"Nah, you were too beautiful to stare at, wasn't going to waste that time sleeping"

"James..." she sighed as she tried to sit up but he immediately made her stay close to him as if the thought of her leaving was unbearable to him.

"No, no, just stay. Please. And please, let's not fight right now" he softly spoke and she immediately felt bad for starting a fight so soon in the morning.

"Sorry" she mumbled as she let herself relax, her head pressed to his chest as he kept running his fingers through her hair.

"It's fine. And just so you know, even though I didn't sleep tonight, I don't think I've ever been less tired. I've rested more than enough. For once, my mind wasn't full of all those horrors"

"I'm sorry I lied to you about Hydra. I shouldn't have"

He stayed silent, somehow knowing she had more to say. She raised her hand to trace circles on his abs and she heard him sigh.

"I didn't tell you because I thought it was better not to mention Hydra anymore. I know I was wrong to keep it from you"

"I just don't want any secrets between us" he simply said.

"There won't be anymore. You know what, one day, we should make a session where we tell each other everything"

"Everything?" his voice broke and she could tell something was wrong.

"Anything you feel ready to tell me" she said, not wanting to make him feel forced to do anything.

"Okay" he whispered as his body relaxed.

Both stayed silent but it was a comfortable silent where they just contented to softly caress each other. Each other's presence was enough for now.

But she couldn't help but worry that he might regret last night. He hadn't told her he loved her back and while she completely understood he wasn't ready to say it back, she didn't understand what it meant for the two of them, where he stood for them.

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