𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟼: I KNOW! I KNOW! I KNOW!

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The sun was shining brightly on your face, but you couldn't care less since you were sleeping peacefully in what looks like a -- not your own room.

You groaned when you felt a weight in your legs and you thought they were amputating you so you immediately shot up, causing you to fall on the floor with a loud thud and you heard someone gasped.

"Where am I?" You mumbled, face first on the ground with your hair cascading around your face.

"Welcome to the future, where your dreams actually come true and your life would go according to how you planned," A monotone voice spoke, making you giggle thinking that it was one of your another dream.

Not a second later, someone pulled you by both of your arms, effortlessly placing you properly to sit on the couch where you previously laid for the night, after you got knocked down by the alcohol that you consumed from the party.

Your eyes fluttered opened and you were face to face by a man named Bruce, checking out your eyes if they were responsive or not, and then you made a huge smile greeting him a good morning as you jumped to your feet, walking over to the kitchen.

"How is everybody's morning?!" You half-yelled, gaining a groan from everyone that is present in the kitchen.

And then someone smacked the back of your head, "Heads up," Sam yelled after and you sent him a glare.

"That is not nice," You firmly stated and he just grinned, joining Bucky on the table who was sipping his morning coffee, across him was Cap reading the newspaper, Bruce sitting next to him looking down at his devices, while Thor was checking for poptarts in the cupboards, and Wanda was cooking.

You shrugged at yourself, walking your way to the bathroom to freshen up a bit before you guys have breakfast, which only took you fifteen minutes tops before you were back to the table and sat next to Clint, while you guys wait for Nat to wake up.

Every morning was like this, you guys have breakfast all together before parting your ways to do your own things for the day and be back by evening to have dinner with everyone. The cycle was unbreakable, no one eats unless everyone was here, it sounds so cliché or something like that, but it works, and in this way, you could share the things that you guys did or how missions went, you don't talk that much though, you just kind of listen and only share things when you know what they were talking about. Thor already taught you how to make bloody mary, so when you two get bored, you'd make drinks for the others.

"Care to share what happened last night?" Clint silently whispered next to you and you furrowed your eyebrows at him.

"Nothing happened last night," You answwred and he looked at you without believing a single word, "I swear, we did nothing," You slightly raised your voice and it was enough for everyone to hear.

"Nothing to who?" A voice appeared and you all looked up to an amused Tony. You were all surprised since he wasn't always here in mornings seeing as he has a family and now living in the woods with their small cabin. "Did I miss something last night?" He asked again, raising an eyebrow as he leaned on the counter next to Wanda.

"Apparently, we all missed something last night," Sam interjects and they all grinned at you, making you playfully roll your eyes.

"You guys are all idiots, Nat and I did nothing last night," You defended once again.

"Oh, yeah, then why did FRIDAY said to me that--"

"We made jams, that's it, get over with it Stark, all of you," Natasha cut him off, coming into view with an unpleasant look on her face.

"See, I told you, we did nothing," You followed up and they all groaned quietly, dropping the topic.

Just when you thought you were free after breakfast, Wanda made you clean the whole kitchen with Nat since she didn't forget what she saw last night, so you two obliged and worked in silence. None of you were speaking to each other and you find it odd because you thought last night was something, but now Natasha seemed to brought back her walls higher than ever before.

A few hours later, she was done with her part so you were left alone working in the kitchen without anyone to talk to because you weren't really that close to anyone, plus they were all busy.

But then, you started using your magic because the boredom was literally killing you and you also don't know how to turn on the music so you kind of played with the kitchen wears with some random songs that you heard from radios, or sometimes from Wanda when she humms when she's reading her favorite book.

All of a sudden, you could feel someone from the vents, causing you to stop what you were doing and listen to what the sound was.

"Y/N!" Clint yelled, startling you as your hand reached for the frying pan to use it as your weapon.

"Flip off," You spat, glaring up at him since his head was sticking out from the vents as he chuckled.

"I have an idea," He stated.

"About what?" You asked, furrowing your eyebrows.

"Natasha," He whispered the name quietly and you arched an eyebrow questioningly, "Remember what we agreed about when you first came here?" He asked.

"Clint, I've only been here for a month," You point out and he rolled his eyes dramatically.

"I know, but you said you'd help me make Nat fall inlove to someone," He retorted and you nodded.

"What do you think I've been doing?" You whisper-shouted, "I've been trying to let her guard down for the past few weeks, and just when I thought I suceeded last night, I didn't!"

The problem was your powers isn't working on her which would make it easier to make her fall inlove when you can just use it instead of doing everything in a normal way. Although no one knew you have powers, but you still kind of use it to the others to make them like you because truthfully speaking you end up making people not like you when you don't use your powers and it kind of sucks that you don't "naturally" have the impression of people liking you, but let's not be sad about that.

"You should take her out," He blurted out.

"On a date? With me? She can't fall inlove with me," You quickly retorted.

"No, what I'm saying is, take her out on a friendly drink on a bar and then hook her up to someone," He added.

"I'm doing this alone?" You asked hesitantly and he shook his head.

"Of course not, I'm coming, I'd be damned if I missed Natasha's burning cheeks," He teased, grinning to himself before coming down from the vents.

"Hey, newbie," You turned your head to see who it was, and apparently you answer to the word newbie.

"Yeah?" You asked as Sam approached.

"We're grabbing some drinks later, wanna come?" He offered and as if God answered your prayers you immediately replied.

"Sure, can I bring a plus one --"

"Two, make that a plus two," Clint cuts you off and you two shared a look that says what are you doing.

Sam had a dirty smirk on his face, nodding to himself, which told you that he has something in mind.

"Bring all you want, Bucky's payin'," He answered before walking away, making you smile at his childness.

You turned to look at Clint, "I guess we have a plan."

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