𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟼: Fence 'Em Out

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Surely you know what fencing means, right? So I don't have to explain it, but unfortunately I have to so the chapter would be that long!

If you're someone that loves sport you already know this, but not when it adds up to love, or do you? You see in this game, it's not the sword that you are using to defend yourself, it's the heart, the only difference is that you can't use love to defend yourself, but if you do, it bleeds out. Try sticking a pointy end to your heart, you'll see what I meant, but no don't do that, I don't have money to pay y'all surgeries. In simple words or in the words of your brother Loki, love is a dagger, it is true only when you are not careful.

In this case, you haven't reached that far, this is only the beginning, and mostly it doesn't stay that way, because whether you admit it or not, you like Natasha Romanoff morethan friends and so does she, so it only takes a few more time before she finds herself inlove with you. And like I said in the last few chapters, that can not happen.

Natasha walked in the kitchen, four months later after the kiss. The room was dead silent, well, not really since you're the only one who stops talking whenever Natasha Romanoff is around. Of course everyone noticed this behaviour but they all chose to not say something becuase that is life when no one likes you even just a little bit.

A few months back, you stopped using your persuasion on them so people would actually see you the way you are, you dislike it but you've got nothing else to do for Natasha to not like you too, but you knew that even if you won't or can't use your powers on her, she'll still like you, and in all honesty you don't know how to make her stop.

"So," Tony started heavily, making everyone look at him. "Y/N, you're on night patrol later," He informed you, and you nodded.

Oh! And I forgot to mention that last week, there was a breach at the Compound with an unknown group, but Fury said that it must've been some paparazi's trying to get in for informations that they have to publish or something, so since that night, The Avengers and you started taking turns of guarding the place.

"Natasha and Clint will accompany you seeing as you always fall asleep," He gave you a grin on the last part, making you playfully roll your eyes.

"Well, what can I say? I don't have insomnia like you do," You teased, causing everyone to chuckle.

"Kid, I'm so close to throwing you out," He retorted.

"I don't mind you throwing me out," You shrugged your shoulders, giving him a simple smile.

"You are depressing!" Sam hissed, hitting you with an apple which you succesfully dodge. "Stark won't do that or else he'd be eye to eye with Fury," He added, covering his one eye to imitate Fury while smugly smirking at Tony.

"Shut up, Wilson," The bearded man replied, and the rest of the team smiled in amusement as you playfully rolled your eyes.

Taking a bite from the apple, the room once again fell in complete silence. You heavily sighed, feeling the guilt grow in your chest since you knew that it was you who's making this madness and you can't do anything about it even if you want to.

Natasha was looking at you at that time but you kept your head down, eyes darted to the table while hers lingered on the side of your face. The room suddenly felt suffocating so you stood up, turning your back as you lift the heavy atmosphere with you as you walked away.

You can't keep doing this to them, they don't deserve it, you have to leave.

But then, "Y/N!" A harsh tone brought you back to land, making you stop from walking. "I'm sorry but I can't ignore this anymore."

You closed your eyes, biting your lower lip, knowing exactly that you messed up.
"Wanda, please," You pleaded, "You can't tell them. You're already at risk because of me, I don't need more." You couldn't bring yourself to turn around to face her so you just froze in place.

"What are you talking about?" She immediately asked, curiosity evident in her tone and your jaw almost dropped.

"What?" You asked back, recovering from everything you had said and heard. Without another thought, you couldn't seem to pin point what to feel, whether be happy or nervous that she didn't know but you almost told her.

"Natasha told me everything," She added after, and you finally turned to look at her.

"And?" You trailed off innocently, making her roll her eyes.

"What happened?" She questioned a little too impatient this time.

Your brows knit together in confusion as you slipped a small amused smile, "You told me Nat told you," You stated.

"Yes, but I want to hear it from your side," She cleared up and you nodded understandly.

"I - well, It's just that... It's new to me," You paused in the middle of your sentence, thinking for a quick lie, "Plus, it's Natasha Romanoff, you don't get a kiss from her everyday or ever," You added and Wanda visibly smirked at what you said.

"But something tells me that you will," She teased but her tone was confident and you glared back at her before your eyes swifted behind her and your eyes widened in both fear and confusion.

Wanda turned around since you didn't talk back to what she said.

"Y/N! Wanda!" Thor boomed, smiling widely as he does. "I want you to meet my brother, Loki," The way how he spoke his brother's name was hell ass proud and the smile on his face never even falttered.

"What?" You accidentally hissed as you look at your mischief brother who was standing presentably next to your blondie brother, "What are -- he is doing here?" You corrected yourself heavily switching your gaze to Thor.

"Thor over here invited me," Loki answered for himself as you squinted your eyes at the two of them.

"No offense, but why would you invite your brother over if there's no occassion?" Wanda asked, faking a wide smile.

"Did not Tony tell you guys?" The octave from Thor's voice from when he came in to now has a huge difference but still he was smiling.

"Tell us what?" Wanda asked, as your eyes stared back at Loki's and he did the same.

"We're going camping tomorrow!" He announced happily and you shared a look with the Witch.

You furrowed your eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"He said something about, uh, taking a breather?" Thor parctically guessed and Loki smirked at you and Wanda.

"A breather?" You find it odd, how is camping taking a breather.

"I'm not a fan of outdoors," Wanda chuckled humorlessly, "And how are we sure that your brother won't cause any trouble?" Wanda's voice seems a little too suspicious, seeing as he's also your brother.

"Yeah, I agree with her," You played along and Loki silently gaped at you.

"Excuse me, I'd like to know you better," Loki  grabbed your wrist, gently and pulled you away from the group without giving anyone a chance to protest.

"What are you doing?" You whispered ten seconds away from them as Loki stepped a little closer to you, and you took the oportunity to hook your arm with him as if you two were a couple.

"I'm here to help," He was hesitant since he never liked helping. "And I know what you said, I understand that but I was invited so why say no when I can have a little party," He wiggled his eyebrows.

You scoffed in amusement. "It's not a party," You corrected.

"Y/N can I talk to you?" Someone cut you off with your conversation to Loki, "For a minute," Natasha added as she glanced down at your arm intertwined to Loki, making you follow her eyes as she glared back at your brother.

You were about to respond but Loki beats you to it, "I'm sorry Miss Romanoff, but she's already talking to me," He stated, voice sounding challenging but also protective.

And because of their previous history, you could tell that it's going to be a long camping.

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Player Of Hearts [ N. Romanoff × Female Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now