𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟿: Cupid Plays With Heart. What Do You Think They Do?

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Everything fell to a pattern and slowly Natasha was letting her self be loved but not enough to reach every inch of her body, and everyday you somehow have grown to like her more, and since then, a day won't pass without her smiling or laughing at something that you said or do. She flirts when she gets drunk but it just really stays like that. Innocently teasing eachother from time to time until it falls to a small argument which is ended by Steve scolding the both of you.

Not until now, because right now, you were left alone in the compound because the whole group went to a mission which leaves you with only six SHIELD agents, which are, Jackie, Marlon, Sonia, Darla, Hunter and Jansen.

As you stared at the six of them you could tell that they are only a trainee which makes them not certified SHIELD Agents since they still have to pass a test, not only that, you could also feel the tension between them and taking your guess, they all fucked eachother except for Marlon and Darla because they're siblings. Hunter looks at Sonia like he couldn't live without her, but Sonia have feelings for Jansen, as of Jackie she has feelings for Marlon, and Jansen has feelings for Darla which is a bit negative since Darla will stay single until she dies, but where's the fun in that when they don't make a move.

"Hi," You greeted them with a soft smile and they all smiled back, "Hunter and Darla, you guys check the perimeters. Marlon and Jackie, you two are incharge with food. Jansen and Sonia, I don't know, start a party?" You shrugged it off, shooing them away as you made your way down to the control panel room to turn off the AI so there wouldn't be any evidence.

When you said party, they did indeed threw a party the only problem was it has a lack of population but that's okay, a small group can party way more fun than a crowded one.

"Who knows how to bartened?" You asked, looking at the trainee's.

Sonia mad Jansen both raised their hand, saying the word, "Me," in unison.

You all eyed everyone in the room and they all knew what's about to go down with this two, and so you nodded and they went behind the bar. You sat down next to Darla since you think she's the one coolest of them all, plus she seems nice.

"Agent Hill is gonna kill us if she finds out about this," She scoffed, lifting the beer bottle to her lips and you playfully rolled your eyes.

"She won't if she wouldn't find out," You smirked at her and she looked back at you, and from the moment her eyes met yours your brain short circuited.

She raised an eyebrow, "And what if she does?" She asked challenge in her eyes, making you squint your eyes, before glancing down at her fingers then up to her neck, meeting her back in the eye.

"She wouldn't," You scrunched your nose at her as an expression, making her softly chuckle.

You could sense someone else's eye on you so you turned around to see who it was, "Jackie," you muttered under your breath with a small smirk in your face.

"Hmm?" Darla might've heard you murmur something but you're already playing.

"What's up with Jackie?" You asked and you could swear that her heart stopped by a split second as she heard the name.

"W-what's up with Jackie?" She asked, stuttering while wiping her hands on her jeans, a habit when she gets nervous, making you look at her more intense. "She's, uhm-" She chuckled again, eyes on the floor, "She's pretty, really really pretty, and sometimes she seems like a brat but she isn't, it's really just a part of her being blonde and -- oh, her eyebrows are perfectly thick, bringing out her eyes, blue like the pacific ocean, and her voice is sweet but hot at the same time, you know," When she looked at you widely smiling, it only took her ten seconds to realize what she was doing, she was rambling things about what she finds the most in Jackie, and even though it wasn't what you asked for you just nodded.

"Okay, yeah, well, she is pretty, I'll give you that," You confidently made a move, slowly turning your head to look at Jackie who was now alone standing in the back of the room, feeling like she doesn't belong to the group.

Jackie was tall, black-skinned but she dyed her hair blonde, she has plump lips, perfect eyebrows, and her eyes are really a pacific ocean. Speaking of, you made eye contact with her and you were able to hold it a little much longer for the pink-ish color mix with the blue one sync in. Without any further ado, they found two and two together and boom!

Jansen was already wrapped around Sonia's little fingers, which only leaves to two guys who were friendly chatting on the separated couches.

"Hello boys," You turned on with an accent which caught their attention, making the two eye you up and down as you seductively sat on a chair inbetween them, "So, what have we got here?" You asked, eyes playing between the two couple, "Jansen has Sonia, Darla has Jackie," You point out, and they both scoffed.

"I have someone at home waiting for me,"  Marlon commented, same as Hunter saying, "And I'm courting someone at the HQ."

You both eyed them together with an arched eyebrow but you could tell that they were stating the truth but that didn't stop you from waving your index finger like a wand in the air, popping them like a fairy godmother, and within a few seconds they were undressing each other.

So, you stood up, and walked like a queen with a Sex in the beach drink in your head, smirking as you did, leaving them all in the room, "Like I said, where's the fun in that if you don't make a move. Cupid strikes again."

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