𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟽: Games People Play

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"Let's put it this way," You started, "She was a bunny and I couldn't give something that she wants," They were all so confused as to why you compared your past lover to a bunny, but then you added, "If you get what it means, then come find me," You smiled confidently at them, as they all went into a deeper thought.

Natasha's thoughts went back to the camping night when you mentioned about comparing your past lover to a bunny. Now, thinking about it again, she figured it out, a bunny needs to be loved, what you couldn't give to your past lover was love, and now that Natasha was inlove with you, you couldn't give her the same. She understood it now perfectly, the only problem she has now is how can she make you love her without hurting anyone.

Reaching the front door without any guard stopping you was easy, but when you opened the said doors, the Avengers was already stood there, prepared for whatever comes through those doors.

"Hi!" You yelled, waving your hand at them with a huge smile on your face as if you were okay with them being here.

Closing the door behind you with a thud, you looked at Loki with a horrified look.

"Shit," You cursed under your breath.

"What shit?" He asked, looking at you intensely.

"We have to go the other way," You rushed out immediately.

"Why?" Loki asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Because..." You trailed off for suspense as he rolled his eyes. "Bruce is not Bruce, and something tells me that this is not going to end well."

"When was ever the time that you caused a tragedy ended well?" He retorted sarcastiacally and you rolled your eyes too. "Alright, follow me."

"No, we have to split," You blurt out, making him look at you with a lack of trust. "It's easier for us to escape, we'll meet at the balcony and then we'll disappear."

Without another word, the two of you went in your separate ways as the Avengers and Sif made their way in and run after you guys.

"Thor and Wanda, you're with me," Cap ordered. "Nat you're with Clint, the rest is with Stark," He stated.

And with that, the search began.

You see there is a karma in planning things because they don't always go as you expect them to, especially when it's a dozen over two people. With that said, Tony was holding your arms behind you after a lot of running, and since he was hi-tech he was able to run with you around -- oh wait, fly with you running around.

"Anyone hear me?" Tony spoke through his comms, "I've got the troubled Goddess with me..." As he continued to talk, distracted with mocking around with his team mates, you used that as a chance to once again run away.

"Stop right there!" A familiar voice yelled causing you to trip over and look ahead to confirm who it was.

"Nat," There was a relief in your voice as you try and catch up for your breath.

"Don't Nat me after doing what you did," She spat the words, making you bite the insides of your cheeks to stop you from smiling. The redheaded assassin furrowed her eyeborws, "Are you smiling?" She asked a little disappointed.

"No," You tried to fabricate it but you couldn't, and besides she's not dumb.

Let's explain the surroundings like a matured person, but don not take this personally if you're nit yet matured, no offense. You were outside at that time, open air, where Hela decided to make the Asgardian soldiers kneel infront of her, many moons ago, don't even asks how you got there, you just did...

Your eyes glanced back at Natasha then back to where you plan to run to, but to be frank, it is not the best idea of what you are thinking right now, not unless you want a taste from The Black Widow then feel free.

"Listen," Natasha started softly, "I need you to fight--"

"I'm fighting, Natasha," You cut her off abruptly as if you knew something's about to happen.

Her eyebrows knit together, "You are not fighting, you're running away," She points out with gritted teeth.

It took you a while to respond as you let her words sink in before looking at her straight to the eye, "Well, that's how I fight," Shrugging at your words, the Avengers started piling around you holding out their own weapons but neither of them has the intention of hurting you.

"How is running fighting?" She snickered back.

The longer they looked at you, the weaker you seemed to get, it's as though you were ashamed infront of them and there was nothing you could do about it.

"Y/N, daughter of Odin, I demand you to fall on your knees," The head of the Asgardian army spoke as the rest of them stepped in.

Your eyes searched for Loki's yet there was nothing you could see, he wasn't among the crowds. To tell you this, Loki was stalling time for Odin as he walked his way out of the palace to come and get you.

"...father, you must listen, I know where Hela is," Loki rushed out a terrible lie and Odin ignored him. "Mother!" He once again exclaimed, "Mother needs you," but there was nothing else he could do.

Odin pushed pass him as Loki stopped in his tracks with a slumped shoulders, one thing in mind as he clenched his jaw, knowing he'll regret it. Within a second Odin was in trance as Loki tricked him of his own fears.

Falling on your knees, everybody watched, waiting for the anticipating moment that almost all of them had experienced -- them being the Asgardian army. The Avengers stood before you, all having the same thoughts, and that was... What the hell is happening?

With one swift move, it only took zero point three seconds as the incident happened, but to the group of superheroes it happened in slow motion and as if it took an eternity of them standing, breathing, blinking, watching you execute the whole lot of the said army.

Once you opened your eyes, crimson red was spilled on the floor, lifeless body ontop of their own blood, none except for the superheroes left alive standing, breathing and watching. And by the time Odin has arrived, he has already too late, history have already carbon copied.

You looked up at your father, trembling in fear of your own capabilities, mind closing in to every positive thought as they all replaced by negativities and anxieties. And yet again, you opened your mouth to say.

"I did it again," With the weakness of your voice, you held your head low, "You tried to protect me away from it so damn hard yet here I am," Shallowing thickly you looked back at him, "I can never change. Your daughter will always be and forever will be a monster," Odin looked away from you as you looked around at every person stood before you, finding your eyes with the pair of forest green. "In the eyes of men and women, I am not a goddess, I'm a spawn of evil, who only wants to love and be loved, the same way as I make people love their own."

At this point Natasha was in the verge of tears but you didn't look away, instead your eyes remained on her and only her, then you smiled, one-big-gentle smile was all it took for the faintiest tint of pink on her cheeks.

"I cannot kill my own daughter," Odin announced in dismay, "I can't and I wouldn't. I could not possibly think of a single thought or even see myself ending the life of my own blood, it is the hardest decision a father to choose over the people and his family." He looked down at you. "It can not be my own decision and I can not be the one to execute the Goddess of Love and Persuasion."

To much in Frigga's relief, she smiled, but one thing was bugging in your mother's head, and that was... She needed to find a way to control your powers and for you to use them without harming anyone.

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