𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟽: Wrap Your Willy Before You Get Silly.

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You gently held onto Bucky's magical biceps as you both enter the bar with Nat and Clint following, and Sam in front, since Wanda turned him down in a friendly gesture. I mean she has Vision, but like you know, a friends night out or something.

He leads you over the bar for drinks as Nat and Clint went to find some tables, while Sam went to the bathroom to pee.

Bucky got you a martini even though he knows you can take a drink stronger than that one but you didn't complain. You looked at him in the eye and smiled, receiving the gesture and within seconds he had his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to his body.

"How are you single?" You asked, seductively running your fingers on the colar of his leather jacket, making his breath hitched.

"I'm not really the guy for commitments," He replied lowly and you smirked.

"So, what kind of a guy are you?" You retorted, having him wrap under your skin and the moment his eyes flickered to your lips you gently placed your hand on his neck, squeezing it gently before releasing it.

You pulled away from him, turning your gaze to the waiter and he followed you all the way back to the booth, where Clint and Nat having this knife around each other's throats, visibly none of them was happy to be here.

Sitting next to Natasha, you consciously rest your palm on her bare thigh, sending shivers over her body as her posture stiffened.

"Take your poisons ladies and gents," You stated nonchalantly and just in time for Sam to return.

"Shots, Tequila shots," Sam smiled at the waiter.

"I'll take a scotch," Clint followed and you scoffed.

"Scotch? Really? Take something stronger than that," You mocked and he playfully rolled his eyes.

"Who's gonna drive us home when we all get drunk?" He mused and you shrugged.

"Nat?" Sam asked, looking directly at the redhead but she wasn't down to earth.

You locked eyes with Clint and you grinned. "She'll take Aunt Roberta."

Clint shook his head in amusement, sitting back comfortably as he chatted away with some random girl who was standing behind him. You eyed the girl and said, "Need I remind you that you have a wife," It was stated directly to Clint as you looked back to Sam who had a amused yet confused look, "Him however is single," You looked back at the girl and she stared at you, a few more moments later she was sitting next to Sam having a laugh.

"Hey, Nat, wanna dance?" Clint offered after a while and Natasha hesitantly took his hand, shooting him a glare as they went over to the dance floor.

The atmosphere became thick as you watched and listened with the things around you, from the sound of a ringing phone on someone else's purse to the loudest beating sound in the room. Everyone around you was either drunk or high, and thirty percent of the population was extremely horny, while you just sat there watching a couple from afar yelling at eachother for cheating, and the longer as it goes on, the people seemed to notice, so you catched one of the couple's eyes, trapping them in your pupils as their eyes softened, pulling back the other and they both kissed.

But then, someone grabbed your left thigh, pulling you back to reality as your jaw clenched, turning to look who did that.

"Hey, there," It was a guy, having a smug look as he occupied the seat where Natasha was.

"Hi," You bashfully replied, and he scooted next to you a little more closer.

"What do you say about getting out of here?" He jumped into conclusion and you giggled humorlessly, pretending to be enjoying his presence.

"Why, are you getting bored?" You retorted, smirking at him and he inched closer to your face.

"Yes, and I think you know how to occupy me," He whispered as his breath warmed your cold skin.

"And I just have the right idea," You retorted and you saw how his eyes turned to lust and you internally smirked.

Just as you were about to finish him, you heard someone yelling while people around you started running and screaming while others hid behind chairs or under the table. Your head whipped around to what was causing it, but the guy only wrapped his arms around your waist, locking you in between, but your eyes caught an auburn hair and you were sure who it was.

"Get off me," You yellped but he only tightened it and started taking advantage of you, head shoved in your neck sucking it like a damn vampire that was far from the movies.

"Stay still," He mumbled giving a few heavy presure on your ribs, which made your body fall back on the floor, but before he could even go further, his arms suddenly loosened it's grasps and he fell on top of you.

"Get up," It was Clint's voice, offering you his hand so you could stand up properly.

"Thanks," You replied with ease but your ribs was still causing your breath to be ragged, and you were sure as hell that it'll create a large bruise but that all went to waste when you saw Natasha pointing a gun to a guy.

"Whare the hell did she get a gun?" You spat, glaring at Clint.

"She doesn't go anywhere without it," He replied in a rushed tone, "And unfortunately she bumped into her ex again."

"He's starting to give me an idea that he might be a stalker," You added, walking towards where Nat was.

"Security!" One of the staff from the bar raised a gun but he was trembling. You glared at him and he gulped before lowering it.

You grabbed Natasha's arm -- the one holding the gun and point it to your head, completely startling her. You released a heavy breath before looking at her in the eye. And then, taking off the pin, you point it back to the her ex-boyfriend who was shitting himself, as he instinctively held his hand up above his head.

"Go on shoot him," You stated, looking at Natasha.

Her eyes was pooling with her own tears but she didn't let them flow down her cheeks, then she clenched her jaw, watching his every move. Because you didn't know your limitations you pushed her even more with words that you didn't know would flip her on into the verge of anger. But when she lowered the gun and looked at you, you kind of smiled at her which she mirrored, making you think that it's done, and in one swift move she knocked you out. Again.

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