𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟷: Looking For A Ghost

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"Loki!" Thor boomed at his brother as soon as he arrived in Asgard after searching the nine realms looking for the only brother he has.

Loki turned around and smiled back at Thor. He was sat on a couch in the balcony with a grapes on his hand. "What a lovely visit, brother. Did you missed me?" He asked in a mocking tone.

"I know you know where she is, I demand you to tell me," Thor was mad, it was evident in his tone that he wasn't joking around but clearly to Loki he was confused.

"Where is who?" Loki asked with amusement in his tone.

"I swear to you brother if you don't tell me where she is..." Right about now, Thor was swinging his hammer and Loki swiftly stood up.

"Who are you talking about?!" He half-yelled, "And stop doing that."

"You can fool me no more. You know where our sister is, now tell me," He demanded heavily this time, jaw clenching as he did.

"Hela?" He questioned back, "I have no idea--"

"Y/N! Where is she?!"

Loki furrowed his eyebrows, he doesn't seem to understand this madness, so Thor explained a little further.

"She's gone, her persuasion are not working on me anymore and I only realized that now that she's not near me," Thor stated.

"What do you mean gone?" Loki spat.

The two of them stared at each other with equally expression as none knows what was happening. It seemed as though they were both fooled around by someone their own.

"...you mean to tell me that you have not seen nor talked to her at all?" Natasha asked for the third time this past few ten minutes as she points at a photo of you placed on a table infront of the director of SHIELD.

"I've told you, Nat, I wouldn't forget a face like that, but unfortunately I have not seen nor talked to her," He replied, glaring at her dead in the eye.

Natasha crossed her arms in front of her chest, sighing heavily as she looked down at your photo, eyebrows furrowing as she thinks.

"You visited once," Wanda started who was standing a few steps behind Romanoff. "Can't you remember any of that happening?"

Fury looked away for a moment, a sign of hint that he does remember.
"I did visit once, but I didn't see her, I was at the compound because I needed to talk to Stark, not because of her," He answered, quickly glancing at your photo before looking back at Wanda.

Even though Fury was not following of what was happening, he still cooperated because he knew that from the look of Natasha, this was something very important to her, unless she wouldn't come asking face to face to an old friend... or an old dad, if you know what I mean.

"She played you like how she played everyone else," Natasha mumbled under her breath, clenching her jaw once again before picking up the photo and turned her heels around, making her way out of the door without any other word.

Wanda stayed behind a little longer, as she went through the director's mind but coming out empty handed before shortly following behind Natasha.

"It doesn't make sense," Nat stated quietly.

"It does," Wanda replied back, making Natsha side glance her with a confused look. "There's something happened that day when Fury came looking for Y/N."

The two of them made their way back to Natasha's car, walking side by side as they kept their conversation privately to themselves.

"She isn't a normal person Nat," Wanda paused as she goes inside the passenger seat of the car, "She's something else," She added as Natasha closed the door of her side.

"How was I suppose to know that this is going to happen?" Loki retorted to his brother as they both walked their way to the bifrost.

"It happened once, brother, it can happen again," Thor replied, looking back at him.

"I know that," Loki looked away, "It's just — she needed freedom, and of course I gave it to her."

Thor released a heavy breath as he stopped on his tracks as soon as they both reached the bifrost.
"And so am I. I will give her freedom but you could've atleast told me your plan so I could watch after her, she's my little sister too, she's also my responsibility," Thor's voice cracked the very slightest as his eyes looked so defeated.

Loki looked at his brother with hurt and concern before they both stepped out of Asgard, Heimdall sending them off to Midgard.

Your head whipped to the side, looking from behind you as you covered your head with the hood of a jacket that you stole from the laundry back in the compound. Hands shoved in your pockets as your fingers fiddled together.

"Watch where you're going, bitch!" A guy bump into you, causing you to stop from your tracks to get a look to who it was.

"τι είπες?" What did you say?. You stated as you looked at the back of his head, waiting for him to turn and look at you, which he did.

"The little bitch's talking back," He snickered with a grin.

Catching his eyes was easy since he was checking out your face, as if his brain was trying to diperse what's real and what's not, but the truth was you were only persuading him.

He blinked once and looked around him, spotting a guy holding hands with a woman from across the street, and without hesitation he made his way to the couple, immediately grabbing the guy's neck, easily lifting him up as the woman stared as if her soul was separated from her body. You watched the scene unfold as the guy slowly runs out of air before he was released by the man you had persuaded.

"What did you do?!" The woman yelled at him.

"W-what happened?" The man asked, confusedly as his world began to spin.

"You killed my husband," The woman replied, falling from the ground as the reality sinks in. "You killed him," She repeated, holding her dead husband in her hand as the man started to panic.

But before you could even end their suffering, a shard of pain was shot at the back of your neck, as the shock of electricity spread all through your body, then you passed out.

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