𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟺: Better Three Hours Too Soon Than A Minute Too Late

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"Stark, you need to listen to us," Thor's voice have never been so serious before as they all went to the main room.

"There is no way he'll listen to you," Loki whispered in his ears, gaining an glare from the God of Thunder.

"They are way more stubborn than I thought," Thor mumbled.

Thor placed his hands on both sides of his waist, Loki behind him, as they both look at the place to see they were all complete except for Natasha and You.

"Y/N's our sister, and I need all of you alive, so please leave the problem to us," Thor speaks up, getting everyone's attention.

"What?" Sam asked, "Hold on a minute, the Y/N?" He sounded so surprised, making Cap groan.

"Yes, whatever she did to you, she did it for a reason, but what is more important is that you're all alive and well, let it stay that way," Thor still continued.

"Tell you what, we find her and bring her to Fury,"" Tony suggested.

"No, it's too risky, as I said, leave her to us," He answered back sternly.

Tony smirked, "I get where you're going pointbreak, I just don't trust your brother," He stated, looking at Loki and he scoffed. They never were a good friend, and ever since the events of New York happened no one really likes him anywhere in Midgard.

"What else can we do to help, other than staying here?" Bucky questioned.

"Nothing, just do nothing, we got this," Thor retorted, but before anyone can interject, they both left with Loki, already in a rush as if the world's ending in your hands.

In your side of point of view, you were standing in the middle of the living room, when your eyes glowed bright gold, and you knew what it meant.

"Heimdall, what is this?" You questioned as he showed his vision to you.

"Y/N, you have to come back," He replied, voice sounding deep and firm. Looking around the place, you were stood in front of your father and mother, who are both in a state of worry, thinking all the possiblities of you getting killed of your actions.
"Asgardian guards are headed your way, I ask you to come freely before anything could go any further," He demanded yet he didn't sound like he did, he was scared and concerned at the same time. He knew the risks and he's still doing everything that he can, even if it takes him warning you ahead.

Shaking your head, the golden color of your eyes slowly fade away, making Natasha hold you still as she looked at you intensely.

"Are you okay?" She finally asked, even though she had the suspicion that you weren't.

"Yes," You answered, swallowing thickly as your mind wandered elsewhere but your eyes remained on her.

There was an awkward silence between you yet you find that calming, and suddenly you kissed her. No words and out of time, you just pulled her in and kissed her passionately. As Natasha deepens it, she was cut of when the doorbell rings.

Whipping your head to the side, your heart began pumping more blood as you tried to keep yourself calm. Pulling away from Natasha, you looked at her one more time for reassurance and you smiled.

"No one knows we're here except you and me, right?" You were stalling some time and Natasha wasn't aware of, either way she nodded her head and you slowly walked toward the door. "Stay here," You ordered as if Natasha would ever follow anything that comes out of your mouth. You felt her move, causing you to look back at her, "Natasha, I'm not arguing to you about this, stay here," You left her no space for argument and she rolled her eyes.

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