♣〰 Chapter 1 // So, what now?〰♣

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It's been only a few days since Dark Choco left the cookies of darkness. Those few days were quite possibly the best days of the prince's life, ever since he picked up the strawberry jam sword. One may say, he could've been the happiest cookie on Earthbread. As the prince was taking a stroll in the cake forest, he began to think.

Dark Choco cookie finally had what he truly wanted, happiness. But, there may be cookies out there who want to take it away. There was only one cookie on EarthBread that would do such a thing; Pomegranate cookie. He knew that she would do something so pitiful. So immature. Just to make his life miserable. Who knows what she could have up her sleeve. He was not about to have his happiness stolen from him. Not again. Pomegranate could send out the other members, cake hounds, cake monsters, or something else entirely. He needed a plan and he needed one quick. As Dark Choco began to come up with something, the sun was slowly setting over the horizon.

"It's getting dark..." he said to himself. "Red Velvet's cake hounds are more active at night... they could be around here any minute. I must find shelter for the night before they find me."

His mission was set, but before he could do anything, the poor cookie was hit with an overwhelming sense of sleepiness. Thanks to the strawberry jam sword, Dark Choco was able to stay up and alert for long periods of time, which messed up his sleeping schedule. Looks like all that sleep he missed out on finally caught up to him.

"No... I cannot rest now.." Dark Choco said exhaustingly.

He tried to move along, but his tired body wouldn't let him. He looked around, desperately for anywhere he could stay, but to no avail. All that was around him were nothing but roll cake trees, standing tall grandly over the tired cookie. Just then, an idea flew into his mind. Dark Choco immediately whipped his cape around his body, grabbed onto the tree, and began to climb, using the very little strength he had left. Once he made it to the top, he sat down on a sturdy branch and looked up at the night sky.

"This will do until I can find proper shelter..." Dark Choco sighed as he laid his head on the trunk of the tree.

His eyes started to feel heavy as he let his exhaustion take over. Only a few moments later, Dark Choco was finally asleep. Sure, his body was uncomfortable but he could care less about comfort. Sleeping in a tree was much better than no sleep at all.

The next morning, a pack of cake hounds were wandering around the forest, noses down, trying to pick up a scent. They were looking for something, or more specifically, someone. Suddenly, a cookie approached the cake hounds with a firm look on his face.

"Chiffon," the cookie said. "Have you picked up his scent yet?"

Chiffon barked and wagged his tail.

"You found something?" the cookie asked. "Where is it, boy?"

Chiffon began to follow the scent of chocolate and cocoa beans. The cake hound soon stopped at a tree and put his little paw on the trunk, as he looked up. The cookie looked confused.

"A tree? Why did you stop at a-"

The cookie was soon interrupted by the same scent that Chiffon picked up.

"Cocoa beans... he is near."

The cookie frantically looked around to find a clue as to where their prey was. He stopped and looked up. It was Dark Choco cookie, sleeping peacefully in the tree that the cake hound was standing under.

"Clever," the cookie complimented. "But not clever enough. Cakes! Wake him."

The cake hounds began to bark as they jumped up and down as if they spotted a squirrel running up a tree for safety. Dark Choco bolted upward and fell out of the tree and landed on his head. He groaned as he rubbed his head to ease the pain. He soon looked up and was shocked to see who it was who woke him.

"Red Velvet cookie...!"

"Did you really think you could run away from Dark Enchantress cookie's grasp, Dark Choco cookie? You should've known that I would be the first to find you."

"Pomegranate cookie sent you, did she not?"

"How clever you are, Dark Choco cookie. It's too bad that you put that cleverness to waste."

"Heed my words Red Velvet cookie."


"I could not care less about what Dark Enchantress cookie is up to. I do not stand as a threat to you, Dark Enchantress cookie, or anyone in the cookies of darkness. If I did, I would actively be attacking you and your cake hounds. I do not even possess a weapon. I do not want any trouble. Just let me go and everything will resume as normal."

"How can I trust you Dark Choco cookie? You betrayed your homeland, then betrayed us."

"You will just have to take my word for it. I am not known to lie about such things."

Red velvet paused and began to think. Was he really telling the truth? How could he tell? Dark Choco's expression was always blank. He never showed any expression in the slightest. He may not know him too well, but maybe he was. 

"Very well." Red Velvet said. "I might regret my decision, but, you're free to go. Pomegranate cookie might chew me out for not bringing you to her. But that's something that I'm willing to take." 

"Thank you Red Velvet cookie."

"Don't make me regret my decision, alright?"

Dark Choco nods as Red Velvet puts his weapon behind his back. 

"Cakes!" Red Velvet ordered. "Back to headquarters! Our mission is complete." 

The cake hounds immediately walked away from Dark Choco and followed Red Velvet. Leaving Dark Choco alone, once again. 

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