♣〰Ideas that I came up with while getting ready for bed〰♣

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❅ Dark Cacao never really was there for Dark Choco growing up. And the reason why he wanted to go get the strawberry jam sword, was to get Dark Cacao's attention.

❅ But, when Dark Cacao was there for him, he was the best father he could be. He genuinely tried to be there for his son, but he was very busy with his kingly duties. These moments were very far from each other unfortunately and Dark Choco was kind of left with the watchers to look after him.

❅ As Dark Choco mentions in episode 14, he really knew nothing but bitter cold and never the warmth of his father's love. Which is what he craved so much as a child. So, to try to get his father's attention, Dark Choco decides to be just like him to get his father's approval. When he saw that it didn't work as quickly as he wanted, out of desperation, he goes to find the strawberry jam sword. To gain more strength and gain Dark Cacao's attention.

❅When Dark Choco left the Dark Cacao Kingdom, he grew more and more resentful and hateful of his father. He was never there for him. Never loved him. Never said, "I love you". Why is he calling him "Father" when he never was one? (My personal critique/idea for episode 14 is that Dark Choco never should've addressed Dark Cacao as Father. It would've been much more spiteful to address him by his real name. I think that would've fit better for him. Once Dark Cacao realizes why Dark Choco is this way because of him, it would've been more impactful on that scene.)

❅ After the events of episode 14, when Dark Choco leaves, he still somewhat has resentment toward Dark Cacao. He knows that Dark Cacao wants to change, but he doesn't want to get his hopes up. Just to get them shot down by disappointment.

❅ When Dark Choco leaves, Dark Cacao was left with a bunch of guilt and shame. He treated his own son so poorly to the point where he wanted to kill him three times. He felt like his apology wasn't at all what Dark Choco deserves from him and sout out to go find him. When he eventually finds him in the cake forest, Dark Choco was sort of shocked to see him after so long. When he saw his father's face, he just closed the door to collect himself. He eventually lets him in to talk and Dark Cacao tries his best to apologize. But, Dark Choco says that it's ok and he doesn't need to apologize. Stating that it's all in the past now and he was happy on his own. Dark Cacao asked if Dark Choco wanted to come home, but Dark Choco politely refused his offer, and Dark Cacao completely understood.

❅ After that, once a moon, Dark Cacao would visit his son and they genuinely have a healthy relationship. He always would come alone, because Dark Choco is pretty paranoid now and he doesn't want the cookies of darkness to come after him.

❅ Meanwhile, with the cookies of darkness, Pomegranate has been trying to find Dark Choco, so she could finish some "unfinished business" with him. While Pomegranate is doing this, Licorice has been trying to convince her to not even bother with him. He's not their mission. Their mission was to cleanse Earthbread with war and darkness. Not to hunt down Dark Choco. Pomegranate would sometimes scold him for it, but she would agree. But that won't stop her from sending out Red Velvet's cake monsters to hunt Dark Choco down.

❅ Poison Mushroom still misses Dark Choco, because he was the only one who would "eat" his shroomies. (Dark Choco wouldn't actually eat them. He would just throw them away, but he never got caught lol.) Licorice doesn't want to admit it, but he also misses him too. Dark Choco was the only one who would accompany him on missions and he genuinely was somewhat good company.

❅ Red Velvet never really knew Dark Choco as a person, because he was pretty busy with making cake monsters. But he heard from Licorice that Dark Choco was a slowpoke, but he was and I quote "He was always quiet and the least annoying. And made somewhat good company, whenever he wasn't nagging about his stupid sword controlling him and whatnot."


Man, this post is fucking long lol. So, enjoy these ideas. Enjoy them, cherish them.

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