♣〰Denial // Oneshot〰♣

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(So sorry for being dead for such a long time. I've been working on some other stuff and school has been kinda sucky.) 


It was another peaceful afternoon in the Roll Cake forest. Dark Choco Cookie had been chopping wood for a good few hours to help him keep busy. Something has been bugging the stoic cookie for a few days and it had to do with his friend, Parfait Cookie. Ever since their last picnic together, something sparked inside the lone prince. Something that he has never felt before... but what was it? There's just something about Parfait Cookie... something about her that makes him feel... different. As Dark Choco Cookie swung his axe into the planks of wood, moments of Parfait would flash in his mind, rapidly. 


"You poor cookie! Poor thing doesn't even know what a joke is!"


"Wow! First time I've ever seen you smile!"


"You should smile more! It's such a charming smile that can brighten up any cookie's day!"


"You're such a great friend, Dark Choco Cookie. Heh, how did I get so lucky to have a friend like you?"

"ARGH!!" Dark Choco groaned frustratedly.

He slammed his axe into the tree stump where he had left it and put his hand over his lip to cover up the dark red blush seeming on his face. He felt his cheeks heat up from embarrassment, as he sat down on the cool grass underneath him. The world around him stopped in its tracks as he sat there, drowning in his own thoughts. 

'What is wrong with me?!' The flustered prince thought.

'Why is it that every time I think about her I feel this way?! Parfait Cookie is no one special. Period. She is just a friend. Just an ordinary cookie from the Cookie Kingdom! A cookie who... treats me with actual kindness... with a beautiful, angelic voice... her hair is softer than cotton candy clouds... her clumsy, funny demeanor... her sweet... gentle touch... Parfait Cookie...'

The smitten prince's heart accelerated rapidly as the red on his face began to spread. A little smile appeared on Dark Choco's face as everything around him ceased to exist. All that he could think of is the pop star that brought him so much joy back into his life. The more he thought about her, the more he turned into a flustered mess. His face was completely red, his smile grew wider as his eyes closed, and he rested his head on his hands while giggling helplessly like a ticklish child. He was too far gone. Nothing could save him from this new emotion.

"Oh, Parfait Cookie...~" Dark Choco giggled.

"Who's Parfait Cookie?" A gruff, low voice asked.

This immediately snapped Dark Choco Cookie back into reality as he looked over his shoulder to lay his eyes on his father, Dark Cacao Cookie. Dark Choco's eyes widened tremendously once he saw him.

"GAH!" Dark Choco screeched as he fell onto his back. Fanning his face with his hand to stop the blush from spreading further.

"F-Father!" the flustered prince stuttered. "W-what a pleasant surprise! U-uh... hi!" 

Dark Cacao kneeled down to his son's level to examine him further. He could tell his son was thinking about something. But what was he thinking about to get him so riled up? He hasn't seen his son so red in years. The last time was when he was a little child and had gotten the flu from getting stuck in the snow, head first. 

"Son, how long have you been out here?" Dark Cacao asked. "I saw you just sitting here instead of in the cabin."

"W-well I... uh... was collecting firewood for the fire. Wait, how long have you been standing there?"

"Enough to hear you giggling like a child."

Dark Choco facepalms and sighs. 

"I have never seen you so red before, Boy. The last time I can recall was-"

"That one time I got the Flu by getting stuck in the snow, head first. I know I know... Just, don't read too much into that... alright?"

Dark Cacao nods. "Alright."

They both stood up from where they were and began to head back to the cabin, as Dark Choco Cookie carried the chopped wood on his back. Thinking about what had just happened.

'What is this feeling...?' He thought. 'Is this... normal? I feel ridiculous... I must be rid of this... this... ludicrous fantasy! I do not love her like... that.' 

'I am Dark Choco Cookie. I love no one in that way...'

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