♣〰 Daddy's girl // oneshot〰♣

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Sorry that this is so short. I lost motivation with this oneshot and I think it's alright where it is. I'll probably finish it in the future. 


It was a cool, early morning in the Roll Cake forest. The bright sun was just rising over the horizon, to greet all of Earthbread with another sunny day. The sun's beaming smile began to peer through Dark Choco cookie's cabin window, as he slept peacefully in his futon. When suddenly, the light pitter-patter of little cookie hands and feet caught his ear, as his body was lightly shaken.

"Daddy! Daddy, wake up!" A little voice exclaimed. 

Dark Choco cookie groaned as he turned over onto his stomach, in order to get away from the little voice. 

"Daddyyyyy!!" The voice whined. "Wake uuuup!" 

Dark Choco sighed. He knew he wasn't getting out of this. He turned back over onto his back, then onto his side, and slowly opened his eye. His blurry eyes were met with the sight of his daughter, Choco Milkshake cookie, who was holding her stuffed bunny. She lightly tugged on her father's arm to get his attention and Dark Choco begrudgingly sat his head up slightly. 

"What is it, my dear...?"

"Guess what day it is?"

"...Hmm... I don't know. What day is it?"

"I get to go to Mommy's house today!" 

Dark Choco slowly sits up from his sleeping position.

"No... really? That can't be right.."

"Yes, it is!"

"No.. you must be lying, because if you did,"

Dark Choco picks up his daughter gently and places her on his lap.

"What will your papa be doing all day?"

"I'll be back home too!"

"Do You pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise!" 

The father and daughter wrap their pinky fingers around each other. Once they both let go, Dark Choco cookie softly picks up Choco Milkshake cookie, stands up, then heads downstairs to get his daughter ready for the day. 


"Yes, my dear?"

"Can I pick out my clothes this time? Pleeease?"

"Well, I suppose why not. You are a growing cookie, after all."

"Yeah! I'm a big girl now!"

"Oh yes. But always remember, no matter how much you grow..."

Dark Choco gently picks up Choco Milkshake cookie.

"You'll always be my little girl. Never forget that, alright?"

"Ok, Daddy!"

Choco Milkshake Cookie went over to a little cabinet, decorated in pink stickers and glitter, and whipped the doors open. She grabbed a few bits of clothing, as her father looked over her shoulder. She glanced over and Dark Choco thwarted his view, which made Choco Milkshake Cookie a little upset.

"No peaking!" She barked while pointing at her father. "It's a surprise!"

Dark Choco chuckled. "Alright, alright. I won't look." 

"Cover your eyes!" 

Dark Choco conceded and covered his eyes. 

"Good, don't peak until I get back!"

A New Life // Cookie Run Kingdom AUWhere stories live. Discover now