♣〰Ticklish Prince // oneshot〰♣

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!!Small Disclaimer!!
(If you aren't comfortable or like ticklefics, then click off of this story. I have other stories in this book if you're interested.)


Dark Choco cookie sat down on the couch, clenching his aching head. It was quite a stressful day for the cookie. He promised Parfait cookie to help her out with moving speakers for her next concert, all while trying not to be seen by the main cookie population at the same time. Mixing that in with his already somewhat busy schedule was more than enough to put some strain on the poor prince. Dark choco was already used to a busy schedule that put a lot of strain on him. Trying to break out of that habit is no easy task. 

As Dark Choco began to stretch, he heard a knock on the door.  He soon stood up, stretches again, and makes his way to the door. 

"Parfait cookie." Dark Choco said.

"Hi Dark Choco cookie!" Parfait replied. "Mind if I come in?"

"Of course." Dark Choco nods as he moves out of the way for Parfait to enter. 


Parfait instantly enters the cozy cabin as Dark Choco closed the door behind him. Parfait sat down on the couch and pats the seat right next to her. Dark Choco awkwardly pointed at himself in confusion, which makes Parfait chuckle. 

"C'mon, Silly!" she said while gesturing for Dark Choco to come to her. 

Dark Choco nods and sits next to her, then sighs in complete exhaustion. Looking up at the ceiling to try and relax. Parfait smiles in appreciation. 

"That was eventful." 

Dark choco nods. 

"Thanks for the help, Dark Choco! Sorry that it was such short notice. I would've tried to make adjustments if my helpers didn't catch Cookie Pox so suddenly."

"It's alright, Parfait cookie... I am used to having a tight schedule."

"Oh, that sucks."

Dark Choco nods again while rubbing his neck.

"Here, let me see!"

Parfait cookie leans into Dark Choco, causing him to blush a little bit.

"Uhm, no thank you, Parfait cookie. This is my own pai-"

The prince was interrupted by the feeling of Parfait's finger on his side. Making him let out a child-like squeal. Parfait suddenly leans back while Dark Choco covers his mouth and looks away, red in the face, completely embarrassed. The pop singer was completely surprised by his reaction. It takes her only a few seconds to comprehend that squeal, before doing it again. Making Dark Choco let out another squeal. 

"Are you ticklish?"

"No! Not at all! I-I am just not used to cookies... touching me."

"So, you're ticklish?"

"No! I am not known to lie about such things."

Before he could do a thing, Parfait soon pins Dark Choco down. Making Dark Choco blush, seeing the pop singer on top of him. 

"P-Parfait cookie," Dark Choco stuttered, "c-could you please get off of me?"

"Nope! I never see you smile or laugh! Now that you outted yourself Dark Choco, I can now give you something to 'laugh' about.~"

Parfait began to dig her fingers into Dark Choco's sides. Causing Dark Choco to wiggle and squirm in reply. Dissolving into a little giggle fit like a child as Parfait does it again. He tried his best to hide his laughter, but it wasn't enough. She was too powerful. 

"P-Parfait cookie...!" Dark Choco said in between giggles. "S-stop t-this madness!" 

"Wooks wike some wittle cookie has been caught in a wie.~ And that wittle cookie must be punished.~" she cooed.

Dark Choco squeaked as Parfait lifted up his shirt, exposing his scarred torso. Her fingers immediately landed on his stomach. 

"NO, WAIT!" The prince pleaded out of desperation. 

Dark Choco's pleads were short-lived as Parfait's fingers scribbled all over his tummy. All of the laughter that he was trying to keep inside escapes his mouth all at once. Squealing and squeaking, trying his best to get away from his fate. Parfait can only smile and laugh with her friend. His laugh only encouraged her to keep going. 

"Aww, your laugh is so adorable!"


"Ok, ok!"

She then got off of Dark Choco, who was gasping for air. He never laughed like that before, in a very long time. He pulled his shirt back down and buried his face into his cape. 

"Aww, Dark Choco. No need to be embarrassed." Parfait said while holding Dark Choco's hands. Trying to see his face, covered in a light red tone. 

"I-I, *ahem* haven't... um.... laughed like that... in a very long time."

"Haven't I ever told you that your laugh is super charming? It can brighten a cookie's day in just like that! It definitely worked on me."

"That's what... someone in my life used to say to me a lot." 

"Oh really? Hm... what ever happened to that cookie?"

"I.... would rather not talk about it."

"Oh, alright. I won't push you to talk about it. Wanna go get something to eat? On me this time. Since, it's the least I could do to pay you back for helping me with the speakers."

"I would like that, very much. Thank you"

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