♣〰"What are you?!"〰♣// oneshot

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It was a cool evening in the roll cake forest. Dark Choco cookie was headed back to his cabin to prepare dinner. everything has been going very well for him for the past few weeks when it came to hunting. Usually, it would take at least an hour to catch one or maybe two choco cake wolves, let alone any cake hogs. However, nowadays, it's been a breeze on getting some food that didn't involve wild berries or jellies. Those never were that filling anyway. 

Suddenly, a rustle can be heard from the bushes. Which immediately pricked up Dark Choco's ears. Pulling out his bow and arrow, aiming the arrow's blade at the source of the sound.

'There might be an injured Cake Hog. Or an injured animal.' Dark Choco thought. 

With caution flowing through his veins, Dark Choco approached the bush and quietly pulled back the branches. His eyes were granted the sight of a knight's helmet, tangled in branches. 

"A helmet...? Why on Earthbread would there be a helmet out here, in the middle of the cake forest?" He asked himself while reaching for the helmet.

It immediately hit him, like a freight train to the face. It might be another cursed item, just like that sword. He instantly pulled his hand back and backed away from the helmet. Relieved that he kept his curiosity from overwhelming him. 

"I am not going to make that mistake again..."

Dark Choco turned his back and began to walk away from the bush. However, the helmet began to move out of the bush and headed towards the prince. The scent of a small flame caught Dark Choco's attention and he turned around to see the little helmet right behind him. Floating like it was tied to a string, without a care in the world. 

"WHAT THE?!-" 

He instantly pulls out his bow and arrow and then points them at the helmet. Meanwhile, the helmet just stared at the cookie in front of it. 

"What are you?!"

The helmet floats closer to the cautious cookie.

"Don't come any closer!"

The helmet brushes up against his leg.

"W-what're you doing?!"

Dark Choco was genuinely surprised. He's seen many things before, but this was really something, to say the least. This little helmet was cuddling his leg, like a cat greeting its owner home. This thing didn't look all that threatening. In fact, it looked a bit... cute? The little flame on its head, the red button eyes, the little horns molded on top. But, looks can always be deceiving. 

"How can I trust you..? Whatever you are." 

The helmet didn't say a thing. Just stared at him with those red little eyes, piercing through his soul. 

"Hm... maybe.. just this once."

He picks up the little helmet and starts to head back to his cabin. The helmet cuddles the prince's side happily. Dark Choco began to shiver a little.

"Alright, alright. You're welcome. My father is going to destroy me if he finds out that I have another cursed object in my possession, again. Please for the love of the witches, don't reduce me to crumbs when I'm asleep."

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