♣〰Someone new // oneshot 〰♣

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It has been only nine months ever since Dark Choco cookie and Parfait cookie decided to welcome a new cookie into their lives. The amount of baking, planning, and waiting has been overwhelmingly exhausting for the two. But, it was all worth it, once she arrived. 




"Parfait cookie!!" Dark Choco shouted.

Parfait sprinted down the steps as fast as she could, almost tripping over the steps and stumbling down. She ran over to her partner, who was fixated on the oven, still beeping and blaring out for their attention. She froze. Her heart skipped a beat as she looked at the oven. 

"She's here...!"

Parfait looked at Dark Choco, who was still fixated on the oven.

"Are you ready?"

Dark Choco hesitated but nodded slowly, as his confidence began to rial up. Everything that happened, lead him to this moment. He dropped the strawberry jam sword and left the cookies of darkness for good, he fled to the roll cake forest, he built his new home, he rebuilt his relationship with his father, and he saved the love of his life. Parfait helped him through so much, without her, the darkness would've consumed him once more. Now, he wants to do the same for her.

"I am..."

Parfait grabbed two oven mitts and slowly opened the oven doors. The sweet, fresh scent of dark chocolate and strawberries filled the air, while the sugary mist clouded their vision. As the mist cleared, the sound of a baby crying reeled in their attention. Parfait carefully placed down the cookie cutter and gently plucked the freshly baked cookie out. She immediately wrapped the baby cookie in a pink blanket, with little yellow ducklings on it. The baby cookie began to calm down as her dough cooled. She was beautiful. Her dough was a dark brown color, and the little hair strip on her head was very curly and had a little creamy strip that went down the middle. 

"She's beautiful..." Dark Choco sighed as tears clouded his vision. 

"She has your dough...!"

"She has your curly hair..."

"She's perfect...!" They both quietly exclaimed.

"What should we name her...?" Dark Choco asked.

"Her little hair looks like a milkshake. Wait... we should name her Choco Milkshake... What do you think, Dark Choccy?"

"Choco Milkshake cookie... it's perfect."

"Choco Milkshake cookie it is!"

Parfait cradled Choco Milkshake cookie gently in her arms as Dark Choco stayed by her side. The baby cookie's eyes squinted, trying to open her eyes. Her parents both noticed and brushed the blanket away from her face, to make it easier to see. Her eyelids revealed big, gorgeous, magenta globes that sparkled and glistened in the light. Dark Choco and Parfait started to cry tears of joy, as Parfait rubbed Choco Milkshake cookie's little head. 

"Her eyes...! They're so lovely...!"

Parfait nods. "She has your eyes..."

Dark Choco chuckles. "She has your sparkling charm."

Parfait blushes, then giggles. "Aw, haha. Dark Choco..."


"What? What's wrong?"

"What about my father..? He would be furious that I didn't introduce him to our daughter..."

"Well, we can't do that right now Dark Choco. Hopefully, after a month or so, when your dad visits, Choco Milkshake will be big enough to meet him."

That day, they both considered it to be the greatest day of their lives. As a month went by, Choco Milkshake cookie only grew in size and proved to be a little bit of a handful. One day, King Dark Cacao cookie arrived at Dark Choco's cabin. Like many times before, his son answered, but looked exhausted. His hair was fairly unkept, he had bags under his eyes and looked more deprived than he did in a year. 

"What happened, son?" Dark Cacao asked, bluntly.

"What...? Hang on... hang on..." Dark Choco yawned as he rubbed his eyes.

"Dark Choco cookie, you look like you haven't slept in a month. What did you do?"

"That is what I'm about to tell you. Come in."

Dark Cacao nods as he enters the cabin. Immediately spotting a light pink teddy bear on the couch. Along with the many baby toys scattered across the floor. Rattles, stack-up cups, a play mat, books, a xylophone, and many, many plush rabbits. With so many things all over the living room, it could've been mistaken for a daycare. Dark Choco scanned the room and couldn't see his partner anywhere. 

"I'll be right back, Father. Parfait is upstairs."

Dark Cacao nods as his son dashed up the stairs. Only a few moments later, Dark Choco and Parfait appeared with their little baby cookie in her mother's arms. 

"Father... this is your granddaughter, Choco Milkshake cookie."

"You're a grandfather, sir!"

"Do my eyes deceive me...?" 

The new grandfather gently reaches for his granddaughter and Parfait passes her over to him.  He softly cradled her in his arms, as he brushed the little pink blanket away from the freshly baked cookie's face. This caused Choco milkshake cookie to let out a small sneeze and opened her eyes to find herself face to face with her grandfather. 

"She looks just like you, Dark Choco cookie..."

"I wanted to tell you sooner, but I and Parfait wanted to wait until she was big enough to see you."

"I see... well, my son. I suspect that you will become a great father to this little cookie. Just like your old man... Maybe even better."

"Thank you, Father."

"You're welcome, my son."

A New Life // Cookie Run Kingdom AUWhere stories live. Discover now