♣〰 have some Dark Choco fluff headcanons〰♣

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Since I'm working on a few things at the moment and I wanna keep this AU relevant, have some fluff headcanons for my boi.

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➼ Dark Choco is a very reserved and quiet person (just like in the games) and doesn't like confrontation. He really enjoys the outdoors and peaceful environments where he could be alone.

➼ Contrary to popular belief when it comes to his relationship with Milk and Purple Yam, I feel like Dark Choco wouldn't really remember them all too well. Milk WAS a child when he met Dark Choco and he was a late teenager all those years ago. Meanwhile with Purple Yam, yeah he doesn't remember him at all. I think it would be hilarious to have Purple Yam confront him, being like: "After all those years... I FOUND YOU! FACE ME!" "My apologies... do I know you?"

➼ Milk 100% still remembers Dark Choco and REALLY looks up to him. (my version of Milk is a little bit of a Dark Choco simp but isn't really in love with him. And Dark Choco sees him as a little brother.) If they ever met, Milk would try his best to convince him that they met before all those years ago and Dark Choco is a little skeptical. But takes Milk under his wing and helps him however he can. 

➼ When it comes to physical contact, this poor boi is touch starved and has never really had any physical affection before Parfait cookie entered his life. The only time he had physical attention was from his father when it came to him trying to calm him down. 

➼ His favorite type of physical attention is mostly 100% head rubs. Since he's very prone to migraines and headaches. The moment someone begins to pat his poor head, he'll just melt a little. 

➼ Just like in canon, Dark Choco loves music. It really helps him calm down and soothe his headaches. His favorite type of music is classical and Parfait introduced him to other types of music, such as Lo-fi. (Which, in this universe, is what Parfait produces sometimes.) Dark Choco does like it a lot and finds it very comforting. 

➼ Dark Choco canonically has very low self-esteem and obviously hates himself. However, the only thing that he kept from his old self was his love for his hair. During his time with the cookies of darkness, he would take a long time to get ready. Mostly because he would be doing his hair. 

➼ Also, he loves it when Parfait plays with his hair. It makes him feel very happy.

➼ Dark Choco is a VERY heavy sleeper. He'll sleep in a lot, especially when he was in the cookies of darkness. Which is one of the many reasons why he's always late to meetings. I like to think that he does this just to be spiteful. 

➼ Since Dark Choco is a pretty tall, muscular guy, I like to think that he would have a high metabolism and loves to eat. During his time with the cookies of darkness, he would hide some of the best food in his room because he knew damn well that no one had the balls to go into his room. Not even Pomegranate. 

➼ He secretly loves sweet stuff, more specifically cake. 

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That's it lol. Please tell me if you wanna see more!

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