♣〰Monster// oneshot〰♣

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Here's the continuation of the What if idea! Since a lot of you guys asked me if there would be a part 2. So, here's the full story!


"It is my life's greatest regret, TO HAVE EVER CALLED YOU MY SON!"

That very sentence was the blade that severed the last bit of patience that Dark Choco had left in his body. Immediately, something inside of him snapped. Like a rubber band, being pulled too far apart. A malicious red aura began to surround the cookie, as the gem of the strawberry jam sword began to fuse into Dark Choco's chest. Cracks began to form, as the aura began to grow stronger.

"W-WHAT'S GOING ON WITH HIM?!" Licorice sputtered.

"Is this..." Pomegranate questioned, "the power of the strawberry jam sword....?"

Dark Cacao cookie sprinted towards Dark Choco, striking him before he could make a move. Until a bright red explosion tossed him back like a rag doll. Everyone who was somewhat near the prince was thrown into a nearby wall or floor. As the dust cleared, their eyes were met with a horrifying sight. A black and red monsterous being stood where Dark Choco cookie stands. One of its eyes missing and in its place was a bright, devilish light that looked hotter than the witches' oven. The gem of the strawberry jam sword, beckoning on the monster's chest. This was not Dark Choco cookie. Yet only an incarnation of his anger and rage.

The monster came to its senses and began to look around. Spotting Dark Cacao Cookie, who was frozen in shock and disbelief.

"Dark Choco cookie...?" The king quietly said.

The monster growls viciously and in a blink of an eye, sprints toward the king with a righteous force. Making Dark Cacao cookie hold out his sword in preparation to slice the beast into two. However, before he could do a thing, the remaining watchers stood grandly before him to attack the beast. 

"Watchers! Get into position! Remember your training! No retreat!" Barked Caramel Arrow cookie. 

"Right!" The watchers barked back. 

"For the king!"

"For the king!"

The Watchers immediately surrounded the beast and began to attack with all of their might. Arrows soared grandly through the air, swords clashing together, but it wasn't enough. Without any effort, the beast swiped them all away, as if they were mere flies on a wall. 

"M-my king!" Caramel Arrow cookie shouted, "He's too strong!"

"Stand your ground!" The king shouted. "We fight until the bitter end."


However, before anyone could attack, the beast knocked Dark Cacao cookie through the walls of the citadel. Leaving nothing but a hole behind. The beast started to run after the king, but the watchers stood in position once more in hopes to stall a little longer. 


At this mere comment, the beast only formed an evil grin on its face. This only made Caramel Arrow cookie angrier and shot at the beast. Only to be flung into a fall once more. Knocking the cookie unconscious. 

Meanwhile, in the throne room, Dark Cacao cookie regained consciousness and tried to stand. Groaning in pain as he tried to regain his vision. Desperately looking for his sword. Only to find it on the other side of the room, near the entrance. 

"I must... retrieve... my sword..." He said while trying to walk, but tripping with only a few steps. 

He stood up once more and slowly made his way to the entrance. Once he picked it up, a vicious growl caught his ear. 

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