Chapter 8

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We appear in my basement side room and I instantly grab my phone and Lexi and I sneak out of my house. As soon as we get outside I gasp. Half of my neighborhood is destroyed. I hurriedly glance over to Bre's house. The only thing left is a few torn up walls. "BRE?!" I scream as I sprint towards what's left of her house. I reach there in seconds and instantly start looking for Bre. "Bre! Bre where are you?!" I yell out as I start moving pieces of rubble trying to find any, ANY sign she got out or is still alive. Lexi arrives and helps look too. As I get closer to where her bathroom should be a hear a voice, "S-s-s-s-Sa-al-l-l-y?" "Bre!" I run over, there's a huge piece of what used to be her roof on top of her and a nasty cut on her forehead. For the damage that has been done, she's lucky. I struggle to lift the piece of rubble but eventually I move it off of her and kneel beside her, clearing some rubble. "Bre! Bre, it's ok. Your gonna be ok." I pull out my phone and call 911. "911 what's your emergency?" a female voice answers. "It's my friend And her mom. A huge storm hit and their house is destroyed. My friend is injured and We haven't found her mom yet!" "Ok calm down. Where are you?" I give the lady Bre's address and she says they're on their way. "I think I found her-" Lexi calls out but her words get caught in her throat. "One sec" I mumble to Bre as I walk over to see what Lexi found. "Oh my god!"

Bre's Mom has a piece of rubble stabbed through her stomach. Her white dress is stained red with blood. Her brown hair is wet with rain, blood, and tears. Her eyes have lost their light and she's not breathing. She's dead. I put my hand over my mouth as silent tears roll down my cheeks. "M-m-Mom?!" I hear Bre yell as loud as she can with her injuries. I turn and see her leaning on her arm with a horrified expression on her face. She's crying too. "Bre!" I run over as fast as I dare, "Bre, Bre lay down." Bre is trying to fight me but her injuries make her weak. I lay her back down. Bre is sobbing now, "M-m-m-m-MOM!!" I can't do anything. I'm so useless. As soon as the storm hit I should have brought Bre and her mom over to my house. I knew they didn't have a basement! This is all my fault! I should have done something! Anything! I- You're right, it is your fault. You're so useless and pathetic. You can't do anything right. You know, without you I wouldn't have been able to form that storm. I know all that. It's all my fault. I feel Lexi's hand on my shoulder, "She'll be ok." She whispers in my ear. I nod as I hear sirens from afar.

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