Chapter 28: Sally's View

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I wake up in a small dark room. What... happened? I sit up and a piercing headache enters my skull. I gasp and clutch my head. I'm really getting sick of this. Last I remember Skylee, like, attacked me right? I was in the woods? I blink and adjust my eyes to the darkness. I get up and look out the window. An apartment building? As I look around I take note of the room I woke up in. A hotel-like bed, a window is above the bed, and a door at the far end of the room... Where the actually fuck am I? I slowly walk towards the door and place my hand on the door handle. Flashes of my mom's corpse flashes in my mind. I quickly let go of the handle and stumble back. How am I scared of doors now? This is stupid. I blink back tears, slow my breathing, and open the door.

I'm immediately nearly tackled as soon as I step into the bright room. "Sally, thank god." Max? I slowly hug him back. I-I'm back? Am I safe? What if I hurt them? What if I lose control again? I look around the room and see Bre and Lexi in the corner. I let go of Max and walk towards them. Bre practically jumps into my arms and Lexi rolls her eyes and joins the hug. "Just because you nearly died." Lexi mumbles as she hugs me. Bre is almost in tears, "I thought you died..." We pull apart and Max hugs me from behind. He leans down and whispers in my ear, "Can we talk in the other room?" I nod and he leads me into the room I woke up in. We sit down on the bed and stare off into the distance. Finally after a few minutes of silence Max sighs and hugs me again, "You scared the absolute shit out of me. And everyone else." I slowly raise my hands and hold the arm that's around me. I-I nearly killed him. Why does he still care about me? I look down and see fresh cuts underneath his sweater. "I thought we agreed to stop?" Max sighs and puts his head on my shoulder, "Sorry, I-I was so worried about you." Tears well in my eyes. Does he really care about me that much? Max pulls back and I look at him, blinking back my tears. We look into eachothers eyes for a second before he cups my cheek and kisses me gently on the lips. We break apart and I see tears run down Max's cheeks. Fuck. I break down and start crying. We lay on the bed cuddling and crying for a little bit. "I've been so worried about you," Max whispers, "I been having nightmares about you, it's been driving me crazy." Nightmares? "What do you mean nightmares?" I ask. Max sighs, "We're at recess. You're standing in front of me and I'm next to Lexi and Breanna. Skylee walks out and says something about fighting death. You start puking up blood. Your- well your-" I finish, "My mom comes out and hugs Skylee. Tells her to kill me. Skylee shoots a spell and you yell my name. Black." I look at Max and he looks shocked. We're having the same dream. What is that supposed to mean? I pull away and stand up, "Let's go hang out with Bre and Lexi. They're probably worried." Max nods and follows me out of the room.

As soon as I walk into the living room a sharp pain enters my head. I gasp and clutch my head. The room starts spinning and I collapse to the floor. "Sally!" Max grabs my shoulder, "What's wrong?" "Hey Sally, I need you to look at me." I wince as I look up at Lexi. I see her face go from worried to a 'I thought so, shit' look. I open my mouth to say something but Lexi cuts me off, "I need you to wear this." She places a silver chain around my neck. I look down at the necklace. It has a little black rose with a silver leaf coming off of it. It's really pretty. "It should keep Skylee at bay for a little bit." Lexi says as she pats my shoulder then grabs my arm, "Here, lets sit on the couch." Max grabs my other arm and we sit on the couch.

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