Chapter 22: Max's View

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 "Sally?!" I jump up. The fear in her eyes... I wonder if she was even in control. Where did she go? I run over to my backpack and pull out a small green gemstone Lexi gave me. I hold it and whisper her name. The gem glows and seconds later Lexi appears. "What happened?" Lexi says panicked. "Sally, w- we were just talking then- I don't know what happened." "What did you see?" "Sally was panicked and her hand was slowly lifting. Then she- disappeared." Lexi takes a small step forward, "Do you think she was in control?" I shake my head. Lexi's eyes widen, she sighs and takes a step back. "Fuck." "What?" Lexi looks away, then makes eye contact, "Sally is losing control. She's losing grip on her body. It's only a matter of time. If we don't confront Skylee soon..." "What?" Lexi doesn't answer. I grab her shoulders, "Lexi! What's going to happen to Sally?!" Silence. "Lexi come on, I'm worried about her. She already stabbed herself today and I-" "She stabbed herself again?" Lexi looks at me and I nod. Lexi sighs, "If we do not find Sally and confront Skylee soon, Skylee will take over Sally's body. Killing her. Skylee will return to earth and trust me, that won't be good." I let go of Lexi's shoulders and take a step back. She will die? No... NO. "How can we find her?" Lexi crosses her arms, "Won't be easy. Sally isn't stupid. If she doesn't want to be found, we'll have to try 100x harder. Meet me at recess tomorrow. We can talk more then." Then Lexi disappears.

Meet her at recess? How will that work? I sigh. I just need to trust her. She knows more than me. I open my drawer and take my sleep medication. I'm gonna need it tonight. I lay on my side and place my hand where Sally was sleeping last night. I miss her already.

I'm standing behind Sally at recess. I- I can't move. I can see Skylee in front of Sally. She smiles, "Why do you always fight death?" I turn to Sally as she starts puking blue blood. I turn back to see Sally's mom walking to Skylee. She is covered in blood, still wearing the blue dress Sally found her in. Her tear streaks are still clearly visible on her face. Her eyes are bloodshot and she looks like she hasn't slept in days, however, she's wearing the brightest smile I've seen anyone wear. She gives Skylee a hug and glares at Sally. "Kill her," she says as she looks away from her. "SALLY!!!!" I scream. Black.

I jolt awake in a panic and look around. I go to grab Sally's waist. As my hand falls through the air I remember what happened last night. I just want to be able to hold her. Kiss her and tell her it's going to be ok. I begrudgingly roll out of bed and start picking my clothes out for the day. I pick a black 'Chainsmokers' band tee and black ripped jeans. I add one of my jean chains and black converse. I grab my backpack and walk out the door. Sally was right, girls do a lot more to get ready than us guys. I enter the kitchen and see my dad holding a knife, "Uhhhh dad?" My dad jumps and drops the knife, "Oh, hey Max. I-I'll take you to school soon." Dad runs off leaving the knife. Weird.

I'm in the car on the way to school. I'm in the passenger seat next to my dad who is just listening to 90's rock. He hasn't asked about Sally at all. I wonder why. I pull up and walk into school. Some people wave, others just ignore me. People tend to like me but I'm nowhere near popular. I walk into math and take my seat. Josie stares at me again, everyone else goes on with their own life. Nobody is even glancing at the empty seat next to me. I go to put my notebook in my desk when I find a note there. Curiously I pull it out and start reading:


I know you're probably very confused. I put a memory block spell on everyone. It takes a lot of energy but it's necessary. Don't bring up Sally to anyone except me and Bre. Everyone thinks she's on vacation. During recess go to the corner, where the break in the tree line is. We can talk there. I'll be picking you up after school. Your parents think you're going camping. We need to find Sally quickly. She has less time than I thought.


This shit just got real.

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