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"I'm sorry for your loss Y/N..."

"My condolences..."

"Poor girl, she lost her parents before she enters college..."

You gaze at the night sky before looking back to your parent's caskets being buried in the ground. After the ceremony, you see yourself packing up your things before leaving this place that you once called home.

"Lady Y/N! It's in your parent's last will for you to study at Teyvat International School. Even in the afterlife, they still wanted you to live a good life."

Aren't International Schools a little complicated? People with high statuses or people who came from rich families were studying there? I am, in fact from a rich family but why did my parents choose this time after their deaths to enroll me in a school like this? Can't I just graduate from my local high school? What's so special with this school anyways?

As soon as you finish packing up your things, you looked back from your home for the one last time and recall your happy memories from how your father taught you how to ride a bike to your mother teaching you how to bake your favorite smores cookies. No one knew that on this day it finally came close to its end.

(Goodbye...) You thought to yourself before looking back to the maid who's also your second mother.

"Ready to go Lady Y/N?"

"Yes..." It's good that you didn't shed a single tear, after all, life goes on no matter what.

You got inside in the backseat of the car while the servants pack up your things in the car's trunk. How long has it been since your parent's died? Perhaps it may have been a week already.

It's quite worrisome that you weren't able to say goodbye to your friends at your local high school and knowing the fact that they aren't going to be in the school you're about to transfer to is another problem.

(How am I supposed to make friends when I'm a year left before graduating?) You honestly don't have any idea how would you socialize with your soon-to-be classmates. These thoughts were cut off immediately when the car started to move. You combed your hair and tied it to a messy bun, after that you reached out to your nerdy glasses and cleaned them before wearing them.

"Lady Y/N, kindly look to the window on your right, we are almost near Teyvat International School"

You leaned towards the window to your right and your surprise, this school is quite huge! It's like the mansion you used to live in before except it got multiplied to fifty.

(It's exactly how it was advertised on TV. This school is something not even a middle-class family would be able to afford) The building is so perfect as if the architects who designed this were genius.

The car stopped at the school's gate which automatically opened after it recognized the vehicle.

"You must be Miss L/N, I've been waiting for your arrival." said the man that looks like on their 20′s and is quite... short, he's a little taller than you. The end of his braids has a little shade of fading green, based on his approach to me and my maid, he's the kind of person that is jolly and easy to be friends with.

"Come, come! Miss L/N, Mr. Zhongli, and Ms. Ei are waiting for you" said the man as you followed him while walking through the school's corridors. Large windows with a huge amount of sunlight passing through casting two shadows from you and the man you're following.

You seemed to caught someone's attention while passing through one of the hallways. Both of you shared intense eye contact, this said person is very tall and has blue hair and a girl standing next to him seems to be someone the same as your height, and her hair is colored pink. Not noticing your surroundings, the man intentionally tripped you over his feet making you fall onto your knees.

"W-what was that for?!" You said looking up to this man and the girl beside him who seems to be laughing a little bit.

"How dare you look at me like that? And what do you mean 'What was that for'? Are you blind?"

"You intentionally made me trip over your feet, stop lying!" You held the collar of the man even if you were small for him and now the students are staring at you and the student.

The man held your arm that you used to hold his collar, "I don't know who you are but you have no right to hold me like that" You loosen up your fists and let go of his collar while he fixed it with an angry face. As soon as he was about to punch you in the stomach-

"Miss L/N! There you are! I thought I lost you" The man from earlier just saved you from being hit by this student.

"Miss L/N are you okay?"

"Y-yes I am, I came across with some inconveniences" Before looking away, you smirked at the man that you just now called an inconvenience.

(L/N, so that's her name. I'll be making sure that she'll remember who I am in her mind and her heart) Kamisato Ayato thought to himself. 

The Perfect Girl (Kamisato Ayato x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now