Chapter 7

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A/N 1: HEAVY CHAPTER AHEAD! Content warning would include mentioning of injuries, blood and a lot of vulgar words!

A/N 2: I was farming earlier for Yunjin's artifacts and the screenshot I have rn is kind of ironic with today's update LOL (I like Yae Miko okay, just not in this fanfic LMAO)

A/N 2: I was farming earlier for Yunjin's artifacts and the screenshot I have rn is kind of ironic with today's update LOL (I like Yae Miko okay, just not in this fanfic LMAO)

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A couple of weeks ago,

"I'd think Ayaka is dumb if she were to believe me that having that last dance with you is meant to strengthen our family ties." Guuji Yae finally spoke after she had been brushing Aether's hair, who was currently laying his head on her lap.

"I'd think Ayato is more stupid not to notice your behavior since we started dating," he replied and kissed her hand.

The door opened, revealing Kujuo Sara holding a bag of snacks.

"Why thank you, Sara, for your service," Miko said while Sara handed the bag.

"Don't you feel any guilt that you're flirting with Ayaka's boyfriend?" "What if I tell Ayato, huh?" Sara spoke, trying to correct her best friend.

"My dear Kujuo Sara, Who on earth would believe you? No one and you already knows what would happen if you turn your back against me. "Your whole family will fall into shambles. " Miko smirked. It's like she already had her hand wrapped around Sara's neck. All of her wrongdoings are manipulating her.

"What now, Sara? You're forced to stay quiet, "Aether added.

Sara just stood there disgustedly looking at her friend's affair. She can't do anything right because her family's life is on the line.


"I apologize for being this late."

You wiped your tears away and looked up to see who this person was who saved you. You analyzed your surroundings to see that the people staring at you were completely taken back.

Kamisato Ayato covered you with his coat while your hands were pressed against his chest and his arms were wrapped around you.

"I'm sorry for cutting your hair off... I believe I haven't apologized to you. " He said it softly to you while he brushed your hair with his fingers.

"I'm scared." You replied and leaned your head onto his chest. The two of you are talking as if no one else was in the room. You don't know why he was doing this. You thought that he hated you, but this is also the same for him. He doesn't know what made him step forward and protect you when everyone else is attacking you.

On the contrary, Kamisato Ayato looked behind you to see the birthday celebrant walking away. No tears were streaming. Then, he looked at you, crying. This made Guuji Yae heartbroken, making everyone pity her and making them hate you. Everyone is oblivious that she was just acting, that she doesn't even like Ayato one bit.

The next thing you knew, you were thrown back to the floor to see Ayato grinning at you, holding a cup of wine.

"Y-you think I'm going to be your K-knight in shining armor?" You're so stupid, Y/N. " He stutteringly shouted before he shakingly splashed the wine he was holding in his hand. It's not obvious from his expression, but deep inside Ayato's heart, he doesn't want to do it. He doesn't want to hurt you, but the damage is already done. He was doing all this for Guuji Yae, the sane Guuji Yae who was fooling him and his sister.

You've become a laughing stock, and before everyone imitated him, you've felt cold and hot liquids being splashed at you, together with some pastries that you can't identify.

She's so dumb.

Look at her. She's more fit to be called garbage now.

She had her hopes high when Ayato did it, but damn! It was so unexpected that Kamisato Ayato pulled that card.

Didn't he sound hesitant when he pushed her away?

Heh? I don't think so.

You deserve it, babe! Mommy's not coming to pick you up here.

Your vision starts to blur with the pain that you're feeling mentally and physically, and the last straw was when someone struck you in the head with a huge and heavy glass bowl, leaving you unconscious. This has made Ayato take a step backward to see how that student strikes you. The blood from the back of your head was merely seen, but it was obvious that you were bleeding.

"What have you done?" When Kamisato Ayato shouted at the student, he didn't expect that the other students would follow suit. This isn't what he hoped for.

"I should be the one asking that"?

Kamisato Ayato was thrown off the floor as well, to see his best friend, Diluc. He punched him in the face hard.

"Man, I thought you'd already changed." "Didn't know you were still a dick," Diluc said as he punched him repeatedly on the floor until he began to choke out blood.

"D-diluc! Stop! " Childe pulled him away by his shoulders. Lumine came in forward to check your pulse. She was scared she might not feel it anymore, but luckily it was there. It was weak, but at least you still have a pulse.

"Brother?" Everyone looked in the direction where that voice came from.

"A-Ayaka! It's not what it looks like! " Ayato quickly stood up and ran towards his sister, even if his clothes were covered with some shades of blood.

"Don't touch me!" She firmly said,

"Y-you promised me!" You won't bully anyone anymore! Since when was this happening? Did you hide this from me? Look at her! You almost killed her to death! You don't even know what I'm feeling right now! I can't even find my boyfriend. I don't know where he is now. What if he's cheating on me? " Ayaka said while she was crying.

"A-aether won't do that I'm sorry." Let's just go home, okay? " Ayato replied.

A tall, blonde man walked toward the scene. The atmosphere of the room looked like something out of a horror movie where everyone is afraid when something shows up.

"S-sir! Dainsleif! " Lumine looked up to see one of her teachers.

"Diluc, if you may." "Please bring her to the hospital immediately." He ordered which Diluc nodded as he carried you up in his arms, which was then followed by Lumine, leaving Childe on the scene. It looks like he wants to find out something.

Before Diluc and Lumine left the residence, he gave Ayato a death stare that made the man with lilac eyes nervously gulp.

"Kamisato Ayato," the heir of the Kamisato clan, Being one of the investors in this school doesn't give you the right to be immune to the rules of this school. You are suspended for a month. I'm sorry. Please leave now and think about the poor girl you bullied. "Leave now. Which Dainsleif ordered, which scared Ayato so much that he dragged his sister outside.

"And all of you will receive a huge deduction on your grades." Do you know the girl you just bullied? She is Y/N L/N, the daughter of Iliya L/N. She holds a much higher status in the country than anyone else, even with the Yae Family and Kamisato Family combined. Her family is the founder of this school, and it's a shame that the students here aren't well disciplined. I'm pretty sure no one is aware that she has the power to kick each one of you out of the school immediately while destroying your reputation. I am unable to study anymore. It wasn't known in public about what happened to their daughter. If anyone has a concern about how unfair it is regarding the huge deduction on your grades, they will be immediately suspended. "The party is over," Dainsleif said and walked towards where Venti, Zhongli, and Raiden were. The professors seem to alert the hospital of an incoming patient from the Yae residence.

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