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There was silence when we walked in. They were shocked we even pitched up.

"Ciro," Alessa says coming to hug her brother. "So glad you could make it, we have the will reading later so you made it in time."

"Thank God for that."

"Paris, how are you?" Could be better

"I am okay, how are you? How are you holding up?"

"Coping and taking it one day at a time." I have not seen Celine and Riccardo, Snr since they accused me of sleeping with the President to get Israel out.

Nonna is Riccardo's mother so this could go south fairly quickly. His siblings greet him and we exchange pleasantries. They all hug and want to hold Mia. I hand her over to Jean and Peter as Israel and I take a seat. Next to Kira and Viola.

A few moments after we are seated, Mia comes in front of Israel with her hands held out. He scoops her up.

"Are you okay?" She nods and plays with her toy on his lap. He leans his head on my shoulder, regularly contributing to the conversation his siblings are having.

"I miss Gia," Bria says

"Zio, that's mama's name." This is breaking my heart.

"Sure is, Babygirl." He kisses her head.

"I want to go to Aunty now."

"Who me?" Kira asks, Mia shakes her head and gets off Israel's lap and comes onto mine.

"Hey Mimi, are you tired?" She nods. "Let's Go take a nap, say goodbye to Zio Ciro." She leans in to place a kiss on his cheek.

"Bye-bye." I kiss his cheek too. We head to Ciro's room and she lays on the bed, I cover her with the blanket.

"Are you warm?" She nods.

"Zia, is it true that Mama and Mommy are in a better place?"

"They are in heaven above, watching us right now."

"Are they with Nonna?"

"I think so, I never know these things but I think they are together." She nods

"Where is heaven?"

"I like to think of it as in the sky but you can think of it and everywhere around you if you would like."

"I miss my old house."

"What do you miss about it?"

"My toys, my bed, my bottles and my clothes."

"I will see what I can do about getting you those things, do you still want to sleep?" A smile and she covers her head with the blanket. "I love you, Mimi."

"Love you too." She warms my soul, I wait until I notice that she is comfortable before heading back down.

"She misses her old house," I tell Israel as I sit next to him.

"So she wants to live there?" Andrea asks

"No, she wants the toys, her bedsheets, bottles and plates as well as her clothes. Did anyone of you get those?" She shakes their heads

"So they are still at Gia's house?"

"Probably, you can just get her new ones," Vanessa suggests

"Mia is really picky, she wants the ones she has associations with. The sheets her moms tucked her in with, the toys she played with her moms with, the clothes that they clothe her with, they all have memories, they are not just things to her, they have sentimental value just like how we hold sentimental value to things." I sound angrier than I should but you would think everyone thought about how she felt, losing her parents in such a short time and being moved from house to house with no reminder of your parents to comfort you that it will all be okay.

Mr Rumming And The Teacher ✔️Where stories live. Discover now