Chapter 8: Fixing Frobo and Talia al Ghul

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The episode begins with Anne and Sub-Zero showing her laptop to Sprig and Hop Pop and Talia al Ghul

Anne: And now, the internet. 

She opens her laptop. Hop Pop and Talia al Ghul and Sprig are amazed

Sprig: The answers to the mysteries of the universe right at your fingertips!

Hop Pop: It's an endless well of knowledge!

Sub-Zero: More like an endless well of cat videos!

Sprig and Hop Pop and Talia al Ghul gasp as Anne and Sub-Zero opens a video of a cat playing the piano

All: Awww!

Talia al Ghul: So, Cute!

Hop Pop: Do you think he's self-taught?

Anne and Sub-Zero shows them another video of a dancing cat

Dancing Cat: ♪ Meow, meow, meow, Meow ♪

All: Ooooooooo!

Talia al Ghul: It so adorable!

There is a loud bang as Polly kicks open the door to the garage

Sprig: Huh?

Polly: Guys, guys, guys! I did it! I fixed Frobo! 

Polly: Come on, check it out!

Anne: Fixed him?

Sprig: Uh...

Hop Pop: Okay, show us Fro

Hop Pop: What the hay?

Anne: What the...

Polly has attached Frobo's head and arm to a broken washing machine with lots of electrical wire

Polly: So, what do you think? Pretty impressive, right?

She pats Frobo's head and gets zapped by an electric charge

As Polly returns to the ground

Anne: Impressive's one way to put it.

Talia al Ghul: I think is a fire hazard.

Polly: You guys ready for this?

Hop Pop: Polly, I don't think you should turn him on yet.

Sub-Zero: Yeah. Are you sure you even know what you're doing?

Polly: Of course I know what I'm doing, Sub-Zero. Everything's gonna be just

She plugs in for the ignition

Polly: fine!

Is nothing happens

Sprig: Something's supposed to happen, right?

Frobo fires deadly bolts suddenly, causing Anne and Sub-Zero and the Plantar and Talia al Ghul to scream

while he's coming home with a package

Mr. Boonchuy: Finally, my new one-of-a-kind limited edition controller just came in.

A deadly laser beam hits the package, destroying it completely

Mr. Boonchuy: Awww...

Frobo shoots more laser beams everywhere, one of them almost hits Domino, who was sleeping on the roof. She angrily swats the air. Anne and Sub-Zero unplugs Frobo, stopping the lasers. The garage is left with burn marks

Shakes himself clean

Hop Pop: Polly, what were you thinking? You could've just killed us.

Sub-Zero: Where have you been the last months, Hop Pop.

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