Chapter 6: Fight at the Museum

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As dawn breaks over the Boonchuy residence, watch of the Plantar and Talia al Ghul are shown sleeping: Sprig on a beanbag, Polly with Domino in her bed and Hop Pop and Talia al Ghul and Sub-Zero in Anne's bed. Anne, on the other hand, is in her pj's but has clearly stayed up all night using her computer to try and find the frogs a way home. She looks up every website that could have information but finds nothing

Mrs. Boonchuy: Anne! Breakfast!

She turns to her computer

Anne: I'll just hit send real-

Mrs. Boonchuy: NOW!


She drops her computer and runs downstairs

Downstairs, the TV is on

Lady Franklin: Lord Frankerton. May I join you at the window?

Lord Frankerton: Only if you wish to torment me.

Anne, now dressed, sits down on the couch holding her cereal and groaning at the same time

Sprig: Whoa. Someone didn't sleep.

Anne: Nope. I spent all night researching ways to get you guys home, and possibly the night before that.

Sub-Zero: Being the supportive mentor that I am, I couldn't refuse.

Mrs. Boonchuy: You?

She places her hand on Anne's hair

Mrs. Boonchuy: Researching? Who are you and what happened to my daughter?

Anne: Har har. So I was thinking. What if there's a second calamity box here on Earth? So I mapped out every thrift store in a 50-mile radius and if we leave right now-

Polly: Pass. Primistle Manor isn't gonna binge itself-

Hop Pop: EVERYONE QUIET! Lord Frankerton is confessing his love for Lady Franklin!

Lord Frankerton: My dearest, Lady Franklin. I simply cannot contain my passion for you any longer.

Lady Franklin: Oh, Lord Frankerton!

They touched pinkies as credits play

Talia al Ghul: Amazing!

She gasps

Polly: I'm shocked!

Sprig: And it only took three seasons!

Sub-Zero: I'm gonna stop you right there.

Sub-Zero: Just because Marcy found the Calamity Box at the Thrift Shop, doesn't mean there's a second one in a different location. And even if there was, who knows where it would be?

She sighs

Anne: Why does it feel like Sub-Zero and I are the only one trying to find a way back to Amphibia?

He goes up to her

Sprig: Anne, we have been trying. But, it's okay to take a day off to recharge every now and then.

Anne: There's no time, you guys. Come on. Let's get back to research.

Mrs. Boonchuy turns off the TV

Mrs. Boonchuy: Since you seems to enjoy research so much now, what if you all spent a day at the museum and wrote a report? You both have a lot of make up schoolwork to do.

Cuts to Anne's and Sub-Zero textbooks and notebooks and pen and correction pen, collecting dust and spiderwebs

Anne, Sub-Zero, Sprig, Polly and Hop Pop and Talia al Ghul: OH! DO WE HAVE TO?!

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