Chapter 14: Hollywood Hop Pop

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The episode begins with Anne and Sub-Zero and the Plantar and Talia al Ghul touring Hollywood on a tour bus

Anne: Welcome to Hollywood.

Sprig and Polly and Talia al Ghul: Wow!

Anne: Impressive, right, HP?

He impressed

Hop Pop: Why, it's almost as if your world actually respects actors.

Sub-Zero: Respects them? Ha! Around here people worship actors

with an intimidating tone

Sub-Zero: AS GODS.

He sees an actor welcoming his audience while he takes pictures of him and they applaud him

Hop Pop: If only that were me. I know my acting career didn't really pan out but maybe I'd have a shot in this world.

Talia al Ghul: Possibly. But Mr. X is after us and he's seen you, so we need to keep a low profile.

Sprig and Polly: He's gone.

Anne and Sub-Zero and Talia al Ghul: HE'S WHAT?

He running


He laughs with emotion

is about to get off the bus, but changes her mind

They sighs

Anne: You know what? I do not have the energy for this.

Sub-Zero: I feel you.

Hop Pop excitedly runs past a Tyler on the runway of fame just as he gets his picture taken

Tyler: Hey!

A costumed dancer was doing his thing for coins, but Hop Pop jumps up and jumps on him, causing his mask to come off. He sees everything around him, but then he bumps into an older man

Hop Pop: OH! I am so sorry.

He picks him up

(???): Ah, don't worry about it. Happens a lot at these old fogy auditions.


He looks around

Hop Pop: Are you all actors.

(???): Guilty as charged. Still waiting for my big break, though.

He offers him a hand

(???): Humphrey Westwood.

they greet each othe

(???): Nice to meet ya. You an actor too?

Hop Pop Oooh, it's only my singular passion. I'm Hopediah Plantar.

Humphrey: Say, I thought I knew all the seniors male actors around here.

He points him

Humphrey: You from out of town?

Hop Pop: Yep. Way out of town.

Humphrey: What, like... Sacramento or--

She leaves the room and checks her chart

Female Representative Woman: OK. Are you Humphrey Westwood?

It is noted that the female representative woman covers Humphrey Westwood with her board while looking at Hop Pop instead

Hop Pop: Me? No. Why? Do we look alike?

He gasps

Humphrey: Hopediah, you should audition. Go ahead. Take my spot in line.

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