Chapter 30: All In

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Part 1


Teacher on PA: Attention, students. This is yet another reminder that the pink powder inside the soap dispenser is not candy dust, so please...

Static on PA

Sasha: What's up SJMS! Instead of that boring stuff, how about an awesome K-pop dance party?

K pop music starts playing over PA and everybody starts dancing. Shot cuts to inside a closet where Anne and Kuai and Marcy and Talia al Ghul are surrounded by dog carriers with puppies inside. Marcy has one such pup atop her head

Anne: Hey, do you two really think we should be doing this?

Marcy: Of course. Unleash the puppers!

The closet door opens and a bunch of dogs runs out, causing all the students to stampede. Anne, Kuai, Sasha, Slade, and Marcy and Talia al Ghul come into the main hall and start dancing with Marcy and Talia al Ghul throwing the puppy she has. Suddenly, the music stops. The shot zooms out to show their principal standing there tapping her foot as a dog chews on her pants while Marcy's puppy rests on her head wagging its tail

Principal Murphy: Waybright. Wu. Boonchuy. Kuai Liang. Slade Wilson. and Talia al Ghul My office. Now.

The scene changes to Anne and Kuai sitting in a chair looking nervous, then it shows Sasha and Slade coming out of the principal's office

They whistling

Slade: All yours, Marce and Talia.

Marcy and Talia al Ghul walks into the office while Sasha and Slade comes and sits next to Anne and Kuai 

Kuai: Was it bad?

Slade: Nah. Ms. Murphy just said she wished my leadership skills went toward something positive.

They walks out and shrugs with a smile

Talia al Ghul: She was impressed with how We hacked the PA system and told us not to do it again. You're up next, Kuai and Anne.

Sasha: Told ya, nothing to worry about.

Anne: Heck yeah! See you on the other side! 

They walking into the office then she walks in and sits down on the chair

They snaps

Anne: Sup dude?

Principal Murphy: "Sup" is that I'm worried about you, Boonchuy and Kuai Liang.

Kuai: Oh? Like, us specifically? Or--

Principal Murphy: Yup. Sasha's and Slade goanna boss her way through life, and Marcy and Talia will probably solve world hunger or something, but you two...

She pulls out a big folder with a bunch of papers and sticky notes sticking out

Principal Murphy: Incomplete after incomplete. Unfinished paper after unfinished paper.

She pulls out a piece of binder paper with writing on it, along with "INCOMPLETE" and a bunch of red X's written over it in red pen

Principal Murphy: You're a smart girls, Anne and Kuai. You're just not applying yourself. In you I see someone who's just floating through life, taking the easy path.

Kuai: But We like the easy path Ms. Murphy, but it's easy!

Principal Murphy: It may be easy Kuai Liang, but that doesn't make it right. Now be straight with me, those four pushed you into this prank, didn't they?

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