Chapter 12: Spider-Sprig

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The episode begins with the final part of an animated superhero movie

Tarantulad: In the name of justice, your reign of terror is over, Bufferfish!

Bufferfish: Why fight me, Tarantulad, when you should join me!

Tarantulad: What?

Bufferfish: Like me, you'll never be accepted by this world.

Tarantulad: If that is my fate, then SO BE IT!!!

Fight scene between Bufferfish and Tarantulad, Tarantulad punches Bufferfish after dodging his attacks

Bufferfish: You will never be loved.

Bufferfish explodes, Tarantulad gets blown off a building and smashes into the ground, leaving a small crater. His mask falls, The whole city can see his face They crowds gasps

Blonde Man: All this time...

City Woman: He's a monster!

Girl: I don't care what you are, to me, you're a hero!

They crowd applause

Tarantulad: Mother, Father, I finally found, my home.

Movie ends, credits play, Sprig and Mr. Boonchuy have tears in their eyes

Mr. Boonchuy: And that was Tarantulad: The World I call home.

Bruce Wayne: Quite possibly the finest film ever made. Mr. B, where have you been all my life?!

Mr. Boonchuy: I'm listening.

Sprig: I, I've never seen anything like that! So moving! So, inspiring!

He looks out the window

He sighs

Sprig: I wish I could be lovingly embraced by all of humanity.

Anne and Sub-Zero shuts the curtain

Anne: No can do, dude. Low profile, remember?

Sprig: I know, I know, but it's not fair! You and Sub-Zero got to make your mark in Amphibia!

Sub-Zero: That's because in Amphibia, we weren't in hiding.

Sprig: Ugh, fine.

Polly: I still can't believe you actually LIKED that movie! It was stuffed with predictable tropes and lazy writing!

Hop Pop: We have got to cut back on your internet use.

Polly: All I'm saying is that you'd have to be pretty dense to think any of that would be possible. First of all, the idea that a vigilante would be given free rein...

in his thoughts

Sprig: He was just a mild-mannered frog boy who never made a fuss.

Scene cuts to the attic

Sprig: But he was destined to be something more.

Sprig starts climbing the walls and tongue-swinging around the attic

Sprig: Who knows how long he's got left on Earth. But it's time to put his mark on the world and be adored by all!

Costume-making montage

Sprig: All right Earth, get ready to meet, FROG-MAN!!

Polly: Hey Sprig, did you see-, What are you doing?

Sprig: I'm fulfilling my destiny as FROG-MAN, your neighborhood superhero!

Polly: You mean neighborhood attention-seeker?

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