Chapter 18: Commander Anne

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The episode begins with Amphibia in ruins as pollution is ruining the once beautiful landscape and Frobots are destroying everything in their path

Anne: What happened to this place?!

Hop Pop: Quick! Back to Wartwood!

They all run to town of Wartwood and then see that it has been destroyed as well

Anne: Oh no!

Talia al Ghul: Not here too!

Polly: Even the statue's gone!

They see a giant centipede wiggling. Its head comes up to face them. It has a glowing pink and purple collar, and its eyes are purple. It itself is gray

Anne: Uh... nice giant centipede?

It roars at them. Anne and Sub-Zero screams. Polly jumps up from Frobo, yelling, and punches it in the face. She then also kicks it in the face. It lands

She lands to the ground

Polly: Now, stay down.

He points

Sprig: Polly, look out!

Polly: Huh?

She looks behind

Polly: Uh oh.

The giant centipede roars at her, getting ready to attack her. But before it can, it is hit with a red lazer blast. This blast was by someone with a red helmet covering their face and black short cape hooded covering their face, accompanied by three people with different helmets. The lazer gun shot the giant centipede in its collar, breaking the collar. This causes its eyes to stop glowing purple and for it to slither away

Sub-Zero: What the--

They turns around to face the five people that shot the giant centipede 

They waves

Sub-Zero: Hey, thanks... whoever you are.

Three of them take off their helmet, revealing them to be Wally, Loggle, and Mrs. Croaker

Mrs. Croaker: Well, salt my slugs! It's you guys!

Archie pops out of her hair and yips twice

Anne: Croaker! Wally! LOGGLE?! Is that you?!?!

Anne is amazed at how muscular and buff muscle Loggle has gotten

Loggle: Yup! I've been lifting weights every single day since you've been gone! Who knew I had these kind of gains in me all along?!

Hop Pop: What is going on around here?!

He points to where the giant centipede was

Sprig: What was that thing?

Polly: Loggle's buff now?!

Wally: Wait, Talia is that you?!

Talia al Ghul: Ah, Yeah?!

Mrs. Croaker: What happened to you?!

Talia al Ghul: Well, my human skin is wearing off and I'm a newt and I don't have cure of Lazarus Pit turn into a human.

Mrs. Croaker: Okay.

(???): We don't believe it. You're-

They takes off mask and take off black short cape hooded, revealing that she is Sasha and Deathstroke. Her hair is now out of her ponytail and Deathstroke helmet out. They has a two new outfit

Sasha: You're back!

Anne and Sub-Zero: Sasha and Deathstroke!!

They taken aback

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