Chapter 16: Froggy Little Christmas

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Part 1

Inside the Boonchuy residence, Mrs. Boonchuy help Bruce Wayne carries a box of decorations and hangs a garland, and places mini Christmas items. At the kitchen table, Domino is cosplaying as Santa Claus. Mrs. Boonchuy puts on a Santa hat. She meows softly. At the living room, they places more Christmas items on the bookshelf and fixes the Christmas tree. In the kitchen, Mr. Boonchuy is sporting a festive sweater as Anne and Sub-Zero bobs her head to music. Her mother comes in and puts a green Santa hat on her heads, which she adjusts with a smile. The Plantar and Talia al Ghul are shown to be confused of what's happening

Hop Pop: Girls, what's happening?

He hops onto the table

Sprig: Are we under attack? Are these fortifications? Booby traps? Weapons?

Anne: Dude, calm down. It's just Christmas.

Sprig, Polly and Hop Pop and Talia al Ghul: It's what?

Sub-Zero: Shoot. We never explained this? Christmas is one of the biggest Earth holidays. 

Anne: And us Boonchuys go big!

Sprig: Ah. A holiday. Neato. So what's it about?

Anne was about to say something but the phone interrupted her

Mrs. Boonchuy: Happy Holidays from the Boonchuys and Wayne. Yes. This is she

They gasps

Bruce Wayne: Really?! It's the downtown L.A. Christmas-Palooza Parade! There was a last minute opening!

They gasps

Sprig: The what?

Polly and Hop Pop and Talia al Ghul shrug and all of them go with it

They both groans

Sub-Zero: It's the

They opens up a poster

Sub-Zero: Annual Holiday Parade. Local businesses and schools and sports teams all make floats.

Anne: It's always my mom's dream to have one at the restaurant.

Polly: The heck is a float?

They sighs

Talia al Ghul: Every answer just brings more and more questions.

Mr. Boonchuy: Could this finally be the year?

Anne and Mr. Boonchuy giggle and start dancing

Mrs. Boonchuy: Thank you so much... I can't believe it, but I'm going to say no.

Anne and Mr. Boonchuy stop and fall

They hangs up the phone

Anne: Mom, why'd you say no?

Mrs. Boonchuy: Honey. As much as I would love a Thai Go float and I love Christmas more than anything. It would way draw to much attention to us.

Anne: Yeah. But...

Mrs. Boonchuy: I mean three frogs and newt from another dimension parading in front of all of L.A.? Even in disguises, that's hardly keeping a low profile.

Mr. Boonchuy: True, especially not with that evil king coming after you.

Bruce Wayne: Don't forget Mr. X.

Sub-Zero: Do you really have to bring him up.

Mrs. Boonchuy: Honestly, we're just happy your home to spend the holiday with us. That's more than enough for me.

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