Chapter 10: Mr. X

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In a random ice cream truck, a blonde woman called Jenny is investigating few things about the Plantar and Talia al Ghul. Someone else is with them

While he's having a Popsicle ice cream

Mr. X: Do you know why they call me Mr. X, Jenny?

Jenny keeps her eyes on her computer, eyes widened

Mr. X: Right you are, Jenny.

He turns his mug to reveal the drawing of an extraterrestrial's face

Mr. X: Because I deal specifically with extraterrestrials.

He checks a folder

Mr. X: and rumor has it that there are a few in the area. Hit it, Jenners.

Jenny analyzes a few recent images and a message appears saying "DEFINITELY PROBABLY ALIENS"

He applauds him

Mr. X: Very good, Jenny. Very nice. This is

He points at her

Mr. X: why you're the best. Oh, Jenny, honey, are you blushing?

Jenny is seen a bit flushed while trying to work

Mr. X: But

is referring to Anne and Sub-Zero

Mr. X: who is this I wonder? Little Miss String Bean and Mister Blue Icy Ninja.

Jenny analyzes the mentioned part of the image and a message appears saying "NO POSITIVE ID; LIKELY A TWO HUMAN COMPANION"

Mr. X: Uh-huh. Sounds like some real '80s movie junk, but one thing's for sure, these aliens are being sheltered and whoever is harboring these little monsters will be in big trouble--

Someone is touching the ice cream truck. Mr. X opens the window to see him after playing ice cream music

Ice Cream Kid #1: One Popsicle, please.

Mr. X: Sorry, little man. This was the last one.

He takes a bite out of the popsicle

Mr. X: Mmm...

He closes the window but got stuck

Mr. X: Uh... give me a sec.

He holds the Popsicle in his mouth, then uses both hands to tighten the window. Closes it. Finishes with the Popsicle and throws the stick in the trash

Mr. X: Now we've got to get these aliens before someone gets abducted or worse.

his stomach is growling

Mr. X: OK, we need some real food.

Jenny searches the Internet for a food place and finds it

while shaking her chair

Mr. X: Jenny, Jenny.

While Jenny is shown to have found the Thai Go restaurant

Mr. X: you've done it again.

At the Thai Go restaurant, the Plantar and Talia al Ghul help the Boonchuys and Wayne prepare the dishes, although they notice that Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy and Bruce Wayne are somewhat active

Mrs. Boonchuy: Is it just me or is anyone feeling amped up since we fought the robot?

Mr. Boonchuy: Kick that robot's butt, you mean. Remember I was all "Whapow!" And you were like...

He mimics karate yell

Bruce Wayne: That was pretty wicked.

Hop Pop: Sounds like you got a case of

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