Chapter 7: Temple Frogs

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At the Boonchuy residence, Anne runs downstairs filled with emotion

Anne: Plantar, Talia, and Sub-Zero assemble!

Hop Pop: Present!

Talia al Ghul: What's up, homie?

Sub-Zero: Morning, Anne.

Polly: Sup?

Sprig: Any news?

Anne: I got a text from Dr. Jan!

She shows them a text on her phone

Anne: It says, "Come see when you've got a moment! I think I found something!" Which means, the sooner we talk to her, the sooner we get you home!

All: Yeah!

The Plantar and Talia al Ghul and Anne and Sub-Zero run out of the house with excitement

Sprig: Yahoo!

Hop Pop: Sounds good!

While Anne and Sub-Zero was on her way running to the museum

They laughs and gasps

Mrs. Boonchuy stopped her holding three plates of food

Mrs. Boonchuy: Oh, good. You're here. Help us 

Mr. Boonchuy opens the back trunk of the car

Mrs. Boonchuy: finish loading the car.

Sprig: No problem, Mrs. Boonchuy!

Hop Pop: We'd be glad to help!

Polly: I can't carry much, but okay.

Anne: Okay. But then we gotta get to the museum.

Mrs. Boonchuy: No way. It's market day at the Thai Temple and we are all going to be there.

Anne: But Mom! 

She makes puppy face

Anne: It's super important!

Mrs. Boonchuy: So is this. The Thai community hasn't seen you since you came back. And this is the perfect opportunity. Maybe the Mr. Wayne can go for you?

Bruce Wayne: What's going on?

Talia al Ghul: I'm sorry, Mrs. Boonchuy, but Anne and Sub-Zero are in this together.

Sub-Zero: So, I'm not going without her. Besides, it's been while since I've been there.

Anne: But-

She points at Anne and Sub-Zero

Mr. Boonchuy: No but! Look, I'll make you a deal. Just stay for one full hour, then you can go do whatever.

They sighs

Anne: Fine.

They carries three plates of food

Hop Pop: Market Day?

Talia al Ghul: Temple?

Mr. Boonchuy: It's a monthly

Hop Pop and Talia al Ghul hands the plates to him

Mr. Boonchuy: all-day event at the Thai Temple! Everyone gathers for food, music, sports, dance, and Thai language school. It's- uhhh...

Anne and Sub-Zero turns and sees two students taking pictures at the Boonchuys

Sub-Zero: HEY!

the two student gasps

Sub-Zero: I see you! Desi, Rico.

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