Chapter 19: Sprivy

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The episode begins with Wartwood in a state of disrepair then the screen move down to see that its citizens are living in an underground community

He carrying a bag of coins

He strains

Toadie: Aren't these worthless, sir?

Mayor Toadstool: That don't mean we don't have to count them, Toadie.


He groans

They both laughing

Archie: [barks]

Sprig: Ooh, a corpse-maker moth.

He clears throat

Sprig: You're supposed to kiss when you see one, otherwise your crops will be cursed for 7 years.

Sprig kissed Ivy quickly after

Sprig: Just to be safe.

She chuckles

Ivy: Crops are very important.

The corpse-maker moth started to charge at her, but not before both of us fought it off by fist and slingshot

Ivy: Whoa! Nice shot.

[Bell tolling]

Sprig: Oop, sound like the mission briefing bell.

Ivy: Come on!

As we both got to our mission central, no spots were available together

She groans

Ivy: There's no seats left together!

Sprig: Attention, fellow freedom fighters.

Sprig: Will someone give up their seat for Sprivy, Wartwood's cutest couple?

They giggles

Loggle: Not this again.

She scoffs

Mrs. Croaker: Young love is the worst.

Ivy: No takers, hey?

Ivy: Hmm?

Ivy: Guess we'll just stand in the back together.

Sprig: As long as we're together.

All groaning

They murmuring

Sasha, Deathstroke, Anne, Sub-Zero, and Grime came out to announce the plan

Sasha: Good morning, everyone.

Sasha: Wait. Is it morning? It's hard to tell underground.

Sasha: Whatever. We've got good news and bad news.

Captain Grime: Good news is we've secured a major shipment of crucial supplies from a wealthy pro-Wartwood elite.

All cheering

Anne: But the bad news is the only way of Wartwood is through the mountain pass and Andrias has it locked down, guarded by a giant laser cannon.

Bearded Frog: Laser cannon stinks.

Wally: I like the other news better!

Sub-Zero: Why does Grime always get to do the good news?

Archie gave me some plans for the cannon

Deathstroke: The cannon is protected by a force field.

Deathstroke: If we can take that out, we can destroy the weapon.

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