Chapter 2: Hop 'Til You Drop

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Episode starts at the Boonchuy residence. Anne and Sub-Zero yawns and heads for the mailbox, but is stopped by the Plantar and Talia al Ghul

with their puppy fairs

All: Where you going, Anne?

Anne: Uuuhh... the mailbox...

Sprig: Sounds exciting!

While he shakes up Hop Pop

Sprig: Can we come? Please? Please?

He grunting

Anne: Uuuhh... Yeah. I guess.

They run to put on their disguises


Anne goes out to the mailbox, and then Sprig, Hop Pop and Polly and Talia al Ghul come out dressed as humans and Sub-Zero wear MK9 Tundra suit

Anne: You know, I used to only get the mail to intercept our report card. Buy these days--

They finds out that the Plantar and Talia al Ghul are not there

Sub-Zero: HUH? where they go.

as she looks at a couple of cool kids

Polly: Hey, smallish humans

She seeing that the two cool kids don't stop, she dodges them in a jump

She screams

Polly: HEY! WATCH IT! You overgrown stinkbugs!

The two cool kids stop

Scooter Girl: What did you call us?

They runs to Polly

Anne: Sorry, sorry... She's just

They grabs Polly

Anne: a baby.

They chuckles and runs off after putting Polly in her hair

Bike Boy: Weirdest baby I've ever seen.

She growls

Now a lumberjack is shown shredding firewood with a wood chipper. When he leaves, Sprig comes out of his hiding place and takes a look at the part where firewood comes in

Sprig: Ooooh! That looks fun...

Sub-Zero: SPRIG, NO!

They grabs Sprig

They pants

Hop Pop: A two free vacation?

Anne and Sub-Zero gasps as they sees them talking to a scammer

Talia al Ghul: Well, just  for listening to your talk? Well, sign us up.

Anne grabs Hop Pop from his right lock and Sub-Zero grab Talia al Ghul from brown trench coat. Now Anne and Sub-Zero takes the Plantar and Talia al Ghul straight back to the Boonchuy residence. They closes the front door

In the kitchen, Anne and Sub-Zero takes out a can of orange drink, closes the refrigerator and drinks the drink quickly. Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy and Bruce Wayne notice them

Mr. Boonchuy: Something wrong, kiddo?

Anne: Where do We even start? 

Sub-Zero: Polly nearly got in a fight, Hop Pop and Talia al Ghul was seconds away from getting scammed and Sprig almost got turned into wood chips.

Mrs. Boonchuy Wait, Sprig is made out of wood?

Bruce Wayne: Aren't all of them frogs.

They groans and tired

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