Chapter 13: Can All Broken Things Mend?

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Well then I had a close friend of mine read this story and she says its pretty good. I guess that means I should keep writing this. Warning though. I started this story as a spinoff of my life and based it around the guy I liked at the time. That was quite some time ago. I no longer like that boy like that and I am now dating this guy that makes my head spin. So this story may not flow as easily as it used to. Things have changed (excuse the unintended pun).

Trent's POV

I don't know if I should kill that Devin kid or.....thank him. I was having some serious problems deciding what to do. On one hand I love Victoria, she's an amazing girlfriend and she is crazy about me, but on the other hand there's Sayumi.... She and I have been together forever. We have been through everything together. Wheni had to have surgery it wasn't even my parents that stayed the whole time, she did. She is funny, cheerful, kind, always looks out for her friends and never leaves her siblings out, she knows when to still up for something and she knows when to observe. She's super smart but she doesn't brag about it. She's just *sigh*

I can't decide if I really want to stay with Vic or go after the real girl of my dreams.



"You know you just said all that out loud right?"

".......You're joking right?"

"Nope. Man, I just got one thing to say to you."

"What is it, Ashton?" Ashton Thacher and I are bros. In fact, he maybe my best friend besides Sayumi. But when he hears something that interests him he doesn't know how to let it go.

"You've got it bad."

"Wow, you don't say Ash! I knew that already. That's why I have a problem. I can't chose between the two girls."

"Then don't."

"Excuse me?!"

"Don't. Just date 'em both. Whatcha got to lose, right?"

"I would never do such a thing to Sayumi!!!"

"And there is your answer."


"You said you would never do such a thing to Sayumi. Not your girlfriend, Victoria, but your best friend, Sayumi. The one you love is her. Just tell her."

I knew I had a blank stare in my face. But I just couldn't believe how simple Ashton just made this whole situation! I got up and messed with his shaggy hair like a I was petting a dog.

"You know, Ash, for a twerp you sure know a lot."

"Don't call me a twerp! I'm only 6 moths younger than you!!! Hey where are you going?!"

"I've got to go tell her! I'm going to Sayumi's!"


"Why wait?!"

"You called me over here to hang out and now you just decide to up and leave?! I'm coming with!"

"Be my guest."

We raced downstairs from my room to my car outside.

"Bye Mum! Headed over to Sayumi's place!"

"Okay, just be careful! And tell my precious daughter hi for me!"

"Mother! She's not you're daughter!"

"Well she will be if you know what's good for you!"

"Goodbye, Mother!"


We got over to Sayumi's and of course just like always her parents greeted me and told me to go on up Sayumi was in her room.

I was just about to knock on her door when we heard voices.

"Sayumi, who do you know that for sure?"

"I just do okay. We've known each other for years so I would know."

"Okay okay. What if it was true, not saying that it is or isn't. Bit what if it was? What if Trent marched right through that door right this minute, professing his love to you. What would you do then?"

"I would turn him down."

Well there you go. Yes I know its short but this is all thats coming to me, sorry...

Luv y'all! And please keep reading and voting! I appreciate it!!!

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