Chapter 4; Bring it

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Here's a pic of Devin! This chapter I think I'm going to talk more about Sayumi and everyone's past. Because you can't have a good story without filling in the holes.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed at Devin. Right now I didn't want any distractions, but he decided to sit next to me. Great.

"Well Love, this is school. People normally come here to learn. But little secret between you and me, I only came so I can see your lovely face." He says all of this while faking a British accent. And at the moment it only made me even more annoyed with him.

"Devin, did you realize how everyone else sat far away from me?"

"Yea, I was wondering about that."

"That's because this is my favourite class and I like to concentrate when I'm here, so everyone gives me my space."

"AP Chemistry is your favourite class? I didn't know you were such a nerd."

I glared at him, "Yes it is. Now will you please leave?" I had to basically grind the words out between my teeth.

"Nah. I think I'll stay right here and keep you company, Love."

Do boys live to make things difficult?! "Fine. Do whatever you want."

Since Devin was sitting beside me I couldn't concentrate at all. I ended up daydreaming of when Trent and I were younger


"She can't be your 'best friend', she's a girl! Girls and guys can't be best friends! She's can only be your girlfriend! And that's groooss!"

"We can to be best friends! Trent and I have known each other forever and even when we're old and dead we'll still be best friends!!!"

"Shut up, Sayumi! I wasn't talking to a girl!"

That's when that brat pushed me and made me hit my head. When I woke up I was in the school's nurses office with a bandage around my head and Trent laying down beside me.

"Trent? Trent what happened?"

"You don't remember? That jerk pushed you and you hit your head on the slide."

"What! Wait 'til I see him tomorrow! Doesn't he know he shouldn't hit girls? I'm going to make him pay for this! Where is he?!"

"He went home with a bloody nose, black eye and a blue lip."

"Apparently the klutz who hit her head had her best friend close by and he didn't like it when the jerk hurt her."

"Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!! You're so stupid Trent!"

"What! I saved your life!"

"What did you expect me to say, 'my hero'?"

"Well, yea kinda."

I reached around and gave him a huge bear hug, "Thanks for saving my life, Hero."

"And now I'm supposed to get a kiss too."

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