Chapter 16: The Wholesome Pain

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Sayumi's POV

"Kyle, spill! How do you know Devin's name?"

"Ummmm.....I'm psychic?"

"Iie! Hontō no koto o iimasu!(No! Tell the truth!)"

"Mattaku!(Fine!) Someone has been kept up to date about what's been going on while I'm away."

"Don't I tell you enough Kyle?"

"Hai hai, shikashi, anata wa watashiniha hotōni jūyōna koto o oshiete imasen.(Yes yes, but, you don't tell me the really important things.)"

" what, you got someone to spy on me?"

"Not spy on you exactly....more like keep a watch on you to keep you safe."

"KYLE! That's spying on me! Actually that sounds kinda stalkerish honestly."

"Its not stalkerish if its family!......Uh-oh..."

"Kyle! You didn't! I can't believe you got Kens to 'keep an eye on me'! What is wrong with you! She is our little sister and you used her like fair game!"

"No I didn't! Come on, Nee-chan, you know me better than that. Kensley was just worried about you. She wanted to make sure that I took care of you still."



"I'm still here. I was just thinking."

"What about?"

"What am I supposed to tell Trent?"

"How do you feel about him?"

"He's dating Vicky....."

"That's not the point. The question still stands. How do you feel about him, Sayumi Albright?"

"I think.....that if he and Vicky weren't together....and if I knew about the way he felt before all of this, I think we may have been together right now."

"Then what is stopping you right now besides Vicky? He has already confessed to you."

"I-I.....I don't know. I don't know what's stopping me...."

"Sayumi, do you like him? Do you have feelings for him for more than a brother?"

".........yes. Yes I do."

"Then there you have it. You like Trent Candor Pavlov."

"...Did you just say Candor?"

"Crap! He's going to kill me now!"

"I thought his middle name was Victor..." I couldn't control my laughter! Candor?! The irony was too perfect!
"Shut and go help the poor boy Sayumi. He's probably at home getting drunk and crying his eyes out over you right now."

"Don't be ridiculous, Kyle. This is Trent we are talking about. He would not be crying or anything of the sort. He's probably at his house or something having some fun with Ashton."

"You'd be surprised what a guy would do over a girl, Sayumi. Especially when they are actually in love."

"......I think you've been watching Hercules too much, Nii-chan, you basically quoted Meg just now."

"Don't hate! Hercules is the all time best Disney movie!"

"That's only because you have a crush on Meg."

"Hey, she's hot."

"How does Sophia put up with you? *sighs*"

"Just get out ta here and go to Trent! Leave my love life alone!" He says with fake sobs.

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