Chapter 6: Betrayal

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Hey guys! Thanks for reading my story! I'd love to know what y'all think of the story. And if anyone has questions shoot me up with them! Plus I still need ship names =< I can't think of any good ones.

Anyway here's a pic of Sasha. She's played by Zendaya. And Victoria is played Sasha Pieterse.

Enjoy the chapter!!!!! (=

Sayumi's POV

The day is basically over and Trent still hasn't apologized yet. Whatever I have to get changed for practice, and I time to be worrying about him!

"Sayumi Gloria Albright!"

There is only one person who calls me by all three of my names and only when she is beyond pissed. "What is it, Chloe Lial Dumont?" I said in a mocking tone.

"What is going on with you and Trent?!"

"We had differences on his role in my life."

"What the HELL is that supposed to mean?!"

"Can you please stop yelling we are in the girl's locker room. And the boy's locker room is right next to us. They'll hear every word you say."

"Do you think I care?! Now explain!"

*sigh* "Fine. Trent wanted to play the big brother role and demand that I should not be dating Devin. And I told him to bring my best friend back or get lost."

"Oh my- Sayumi is this seriously about my stupid cousin? You're willing to lose a forever friend for a guy you just met?!"

"He's not the only reason. Every guy that has tried to ask me out got scared away by Trent. They would try and approach me and once they notice Trent they run the other way. He has no right to be such a fringle brownie overprotective jackal. Besides Devin is your cousin so shouldn't you be defending him?"

"Devin isn't what he seems to be." She said that so coldly that I swear even with the temp being 98°F, my whole body shivered.

"Devin is NOT worth losing Trent. And if you don't come to your senses quick I'll have to come to the rescue, and I am not in the mood for that mess."

"Chloe we better go. Coach says captains should be the first to practice."

"Okay. I'm coming Vic. You go I'll catch up."

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