Chapter 8: Agree To Disagree

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Hey guys!!!! I hope everyone is enjoying the story! And hooooopefuuuully someone will comment their idea of ship names that I can use(hint hint). But anyway this chapter might be interesting for all of you out there.

P.s. I made another character change. Emily Osment is now Chloe Dumont.

Sayumi's POV

*groans* "I still don't see why I have to wear this stupid dress." Yes I was pouting. No I'm not acting immature.

"Because its a party and you need to look your best," Sasha, queen of partying, stated matter-of-factly.

"Then why do the two of you you get to wear pants?! And whyyyy do I have to wear makeup!" I hated makeup almost as much as I hated wearing dresses and skirts. But when you agree to go to a party with Chloe and Sasha you also agree to being subject to their terms.

"Because unlike you we don't mind looking like girls and you have to wear makeup because it will bring out your eyes."

"Chloe I can't tell if you're sweet talking me or dissing me."

She just does her evil smirk in reply.


"Oh lord! What is it Kins?"

"Mom wanted to know what time you'd be back tonight."


"Aaand I kinda wanted to know if Trent said anything about Racheal? I haven't been able to reach her lately." This is Kinsey Shizu Albright, Kins for short. She's my 14 year old sister. She's a hand full and her best friend is Racheal Pavlov. Yes I did say Pavlov, Racheal is Trent's younger sister.

"Tell mom that I'll probably be back by 12, 12:30. And I'm not sure what's up with Racheal; I haven't spoken with Trent in a while."

"What!!! B-but you and Trent are the best of friends what do you me-"

"Imouto-chan! Teishi! Watashi wa mō kore o kikitainode, zettai ni otosanaide kudasai!(Stop! I don't want to hear anymore of this, so drop it!) *sigh* Trent and I just aren't talking right now. So. . .yea."

"Mā sore wa orokada!(Well that's stupid!) If you're just not going to talk to Niichan then you're crazier than I thought! Some sister!"

My sister and I speak both Japanese and English fluently. So whenever we want to talk only to each other or our mom we speak in Japanese. Our mom is Japanese and our dad is British.

"Shizu! *sigh* Fine whatever. Are you girls ready to leave?"

"You know she's right Sayumi-


"You and Trent have to talk."

"And if you won't me and Chloe will just force y'all to!"

*sigh*"I know girls. And I am planning on talking to him. . . . .Can we leave now? I don't feel like waiting for Kinsey to scream and lecture me anymore than she already has."

"Okeedoks! Let's hit the road!" Hahahaha! As I said before Sasha always the party girl.

Sasha's POV

We walked into Greg's house and the party was already going strong.

"I still don't get why we didn't just come here at 7; its already 8:30."

I had to shake my head at her nonpartying behavior."Sayumi, Sayumi, Sayumi. Poor naive Sayumi. Everyone knows that the life of the party has to arrive after everything is going full swing, that way everyone looks to see who showed up. And we my dear friend are the life of the party!"

"Sure, whatever you say, Sasha. I'm going to go find someone to hang out with."

"What? Why?"

"Because Chloe has already started roaming and knowing you you're ready to grab a drink and head out to that dance floor," Sayumi laughed at me. Psssh she knew me too well!

"Alright then. Catch ya later!"

Sayumi's POV

And she's off. I knew this would happen as soon as we got here. But I love my girls, so if their happy and safe then I'm happy for them.

I was off in my own little world while walking around Greg's house. I've been to his house a couple of time since Freshman year for parties and just to hang out. He was one of the football players at school that I actually liked hanging out with. When I realised where I was it kind of through me off. I was in the game lounge(yes Greg has a 'game lounge' in his house with lots of games and snacks, basically a teen hangout room). But the thing that through me off wasn't where I was but who else was in there. Trent was staring right at me, and he had that look on his face that told me what he was going to say before he even said it.

"Sayumi. . . . . . .*sigh*we need to talk."

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